Author Topic: Wainwrights Everywhere  (Read 3479 times)

Offline MarianT

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Wainwrights Everywhere
« on: February 12, 2012, 07:28:08 PM »
Sometimes you like your characters too much to say good-bye to them when you screw up the challenge they're in. I wanted to do more with Deirdre but wasn't interested in another Immortal Dynasty, and she's not eligible for a Townie Decadynasty. So I've created my own challenge, based on expanded lifetime wishes.

     The challenge is this:

Start with a YA Sim from a previous game or create one in CAS.
Set Aging to Long.
The Sim has 10 days in which to marry and have a baby.

The Sim needs to move in two more residents of the town, either townies or NPCs.
The 4 adult Sims will each work on 4 different expanded lifetime wishes. The Change Lifetime Wish reward may be used only if someone's lifetime wish has already been achieved by someone else.
(Optional) Each of the 4 adult Sims should also complete 4 unique opportunities (i.e., all 4 can't do Celebrity Body).

Infants may be aged up at any time; toddlers any time after they have learned toddler skills; children and teens after they have spent 3 days on the honor roll.

Once the heir graduates from high school, he or she should move into a different house, leaving the parents' house as the active household (Note: It's to your heir's advantage to be moved into a fairly expensive house). The heir should not carry anything in inventory except the high school diploma. If the heir has a pet, the pet may move with him. At this time, you score 1 point for each adult who has achieved an expanded lifetime wish and completed the 4 ops. You cross those lifetime wishes off your list.

Go into Edit town and move the heir out. Go to the clipboard and save a copy of the heir to the library. Move the heir into a new town and repeat the process until all lifetime wishes have been crossed off. The opportunities have to be unique only for each household.
If you don't delete your towns, you can move your 4th or 5th generation heir back into your original town. However, members of that household cannot be invited into the heir's new household.

You can pick traits for your heir or randomize. For Lifetime Wish, I'm using the first one that flashes as a child or teen, or the one at the far left when the teen becomes a young adult, followed by 2nd to the left if that's already been accomplished, etc.

List of Expanded Lifetime Wishes
Part One, Section Two
Part One, Section Three
Part One, Section Four
Part One, Section Five


Part One -- Deirdre

Dear Mom,

   I feel bad about ruining Great-grandfather’s project, so I’ve decided to start one of my own. Only this isn’t about taking over a town, but about making wishes come true for people. My plan is to have 3 townies or NPCs move in with me, one of whom I’ll marry, and to make it possible for them to complete a slightly more difficult version of their lifetime wish. When all four of us have achieved our goals, my oldest child will move to a new town and repeat the process. The project will end when all lifetime wishes have been achieved. I expect there will be some duplication of wishes, so I’m allowing people to change their lifetime wishes if they’ve been accomplished before.

   Anyway, I wanted to thank you for everything, including a great birthday party.

I had a lovely time and really appreciated being skinny enough to look good in a bathing suit. But I have to tell you that losing weight through plastic surgery doesn’t have long-lasting results. Soon after moving to Twinbrook, I found that I was gaining weight again.

Easy go, easy come, I guess.

   I moved into the only house I could afford, which was quite a bit smaller than what I’d been accustomed to. (Note to self – move heir into something expensive for a good start in the next town.)

Furthermore, my house was infested with insects – roaches and moths mostly.

   But as you’ve always told me, every cloud has a silver lining. Mine was meeting the Science Geek, Dai Sekt. We got to chatting…

…and then went out to watch the stars…

…and he became the first NPC to move in with me.

His lifetime wish is to become a Forensics DNA Profiler, so he went off to get a job at the Police Station. His favorite color is blue, but I think he looks better in my favorite color, white, and Dai says he doesn't care what color he wears. He's a genius, a bookworm, and a computer whiz, as well as neat and clumsy.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Wainwrights Everywhere
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 07:34:54 PM »
Hey there Deirdre. What a great idea I look forward to reading more.

I can certainly relate to having Sim characters that you get very fond of.

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Re: Wainwrights Everywhere
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 08:33:15 AM »
Great story! Dai Sekt is a funny name lol.  ;D I'm too get very fond of some of my sims.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Wainwrights Everywhere
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 01:07:53 PM »

Become a Creature-Robot Cross-Breeder   Reach level 10 of Science + max 2 of fishing, gardening & handiness
Become a Master Thief                    +$10,000 in stolen goods    
Become an Astronaut                    +max athletic & handiness
Become a Superstar Athlete                 Reach level 10 of career + supermax athletics
Bottomless Nectar Cellar                         +supermax nectar-making (okay to count 400 grapes if    skill challenge doesn’t register)   
Celebrated 5-Star Chef                    +supermax cooking
Wei Keane     CEO of a Mega-Corporation                  Reach level 10 of career + max charisma
Chess legend                               +Supermax logic
Culinary Librarian                            +make 28 different recipes
Descendant of DaVinci                    +supermax 2 of painting, sculpting & inventing
Distinguished Director                    +write 20 screenplays
Emperor of Evil                               +max logic and complete potions skill challenge
Fashion Phenomenon                    +supermax painting
Firefighter Super Hero                    +max athletic or handiness
Dai Sekt       Forensics Specialist                            +max logic and complete 2 logic skill challenges
Gold Digger                               no deliberate kill + make ambrosia or young again potion for self
Golden Tongue/Golden Fingers         +supermax guitar or charisma
Great Explorer                               + 2 relic collections
Heartbreaker                               +max charisma
Hit Movie Composer                            Max guitar + one additional instrument
Home Design Hotshot                    (tough enough as it is)
Illustrious Author                           +supermax writing
Scout Sargeant    International Superspy                   +max athletic and complete 5 tombs
Jack of All Trades                           +max 2 skills
Leader of the Free World                        +supermax charisma
Lifestyle of Rich and Famous                +max a skill
Living in the Lap of Luxury                +have house worth >$100,000
Martial Arts Master                           +supermax martial arts
Master of the Arts                           +supermax painting or guitar
Master Mixologist                           +supermax mixology
Master Romancer                           +max charisma
Monster Maker                              +supermax inventing and have at least 2 different types of occults
One Sim Band                              +supermax one instrument
Paranormal Profiteer                             +max logic and complete celestial explorer s.c.
Perfect Mind, Perfect Body                     +supermax athletic or logic
Pervasive Private Eye                             +max logic
Physical Perfection                                     +supermax athletic or martial arts
Private Aquarium                                     +supermax fishing
Possession is 9/10                                     +be unemployed
Private Museum                                     +3 relic collections
Professional Author                                     +supermax writing
Renaissance Sim                                     +supermax 2 of the 3
Rock Star                                                     +supermax guitar
Seasoned Traveler                                     +own vacation home (not lot)
Star News Anchor                                     +max writing and 3-star celebrity
Super Popular                                             +supermax charisma
Surrounded by Family                             +reach top of Daycare career
Swimming in Cash                                     +be unemployed and live alone
The Perfect Garden                                     +supermax gardening
The Tinkerer                                             +supermax logic or handiness
Deirdre Wainwright   Visionary                                                     +supermax painting or photography   
World-Class Gallery                                     +max photography and complete 3 skill challenges
World-Renowned Surgeon                     +do 10 clinics
The Animal Rescuer                                     +own one of each type of minor pet
The Ark Builder                                             +own all of one type of minor pet or insect
The Jockey                                             +supermax a horse’s riding or jumping
The Cat Herder                                     +supermax a cat’s hunting
The Canine Companion                             +supermax a dog’s hunting
The Fairy Tale Finder                             +unicorn foal
The Zoologist                                             +keep all 20 animals
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Wainwrights Everywhere
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 02:00:17 PM »
Part One, Section 2

Dear Mom,

   This has to be a short note because I have an additional responsibility besides painting and taking photographs.  To begin with, Dai proposed to me, and I said yes! Yes, yes, yes!

   Soon after that we received a check from Grandfather Freddie, Dad’s father, the vampire. We used it to buy a larger house, on higher ground. Although we can’t fish from the back deck any more, it’s nice to get rid of the mildew on the walls.

   Here is the “additional responsibility” I mentioned earlier. His name is Eliot. If his eyebrows are any indication, he’ll have blond hair like me. He's going to be friendly like me and a genius like Dai.

   As you probably could tell from the picture, I gained a lot of weight while I was pregnant. Luckily, two intensive work-out sessions melted off all that baby fat. Whether it’ll stay off, I don’t know.  But I can tell you, I won’t be getting any more plastic surgery. The effects just don’t last.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Wainwrights Everywhere
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2012, 08:52:55 PM »
Part One, Section Three

Dear Mom,

   Dai and I have added two more residents of Twinbrook to our household. The first was his partner, Scout Sargeant. She’s married, but her husband is a vampire, so she was happy to move in with us. She’s been a big help with Eliot, and she and I work out together. Her lifetime wish is to become an International Super Spy, to max the athletic skill, and to explore five tombs.

   Scout is good friends with Wei Keane, so she asked him to move in. He’s a computer whiz and a genius so he and Dai get along, except when they both want to use the same computer. He’s super-skinny, which I think is very unfair because I eat less than he does and still gain weight. Wei wants to be CEO of a Mega-Corporation and to max the charisma skill. I’m sure he’ll accomplish the former because he does a lot of work at home on the computer. I’m not so sure about the latter – it’s one thing to read books about charisma, another to make friends.

   I can’t help wondering if something will develop between Scout and Wei, but so far, they’re just good friends.

   Other news is that your grandson is a toddler now! I’m not sure where his hair color came from. It’s not as red as yours and not as blond as mine; he certainly didn’t inherit it from Dai.

   Dai did most of the work of teaching him how to walk, but I seemed to always get potty duty. Scout and even Wei have been helping out, too.

   The two of them took care of Eliot while Dai and I went to China to complete a couple of opportunities. We also had the honeymoon we couldn’t afford when we got married.

   I did take other pictures while I was there, but none of them turned out well. Besides my learning some breathing techniques and Dai taking lessons in martial arts, we also picked up some relics for Scout to study at work.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Wainwrights Everywhere
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 11:40:01 AM »
Part One, Section 4

Dear Mom,

   The big news is that Eliot is now a little boy! He had his birthday a few days ago.

   Eliot has quite the imagination, playing at dinosaurs…

…and pretending Freddie is real. He has already decided that he wants to be rich and famous when he grows up. He hasn’t figured out how he’ll make money, but since he’s very frugal, I imagine he’ll save what he makes.

   Dai has been developing his logic skill, by hunting for new planets and stars…

…and discovering potions. He’s only blown himself up once, which I think is pretty amazing.

   Our housemate Scout has been spending a lot of time in Egypt. She’s investigating Morcu Corp, and even that bit of news is more information than she’s willing to divulge. We found this out from Wei, who went with her on her last trip. No romance, I’m afraid. He went to develop a new market in Egypt, while Scout spent all her time poking around in tombs.

   I’ve discovered that I can keep my weight under control as long as I exercise.

 But my big news is this:  I’ve completed my lifetime wish! Hooray for me!

Deirdre’s stats:

Lifetime Wish:  Visionary, supermaxed painting.
Ops:  Deliver a Painting to France, Secret Techniques, Authorized Biography, Painting the City.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Wainwrights Everywhere
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 11:50:15 AM »
Well done Deirdre and welcome to the new household members.

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Offline MarianT

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« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2012, 09:54:43 PM »
Part One, Section Five

Dear Mom,

   Sorry I haven’t written in a while. The days have just been whizzing by. Eliot became a teenager, introducing a whole new level of chaos in the household.

   We have only one bathroom, so when Eliot decided to practice his speech on world peace (he was for it), there was some distress.

   The only calm person was Scout, who has taken up meditating next to the crystal tree we put in.

   Scout completed her lifetime wish shortly before becoming an elder.

Scout’s stats

Lifetime Wish: International Super Spy, maxed athletics and completed five tombs

Ops: Celebrity Body, No Sweat, Smuggle Check, Add it up.

   Poor Eliot had to go to his prom the other night. He had almost as miserable a time as Gilly and I did when we were teens. He did get named Prom King, but he couldn’t get his crush to dance with him, and even a wallflower turned him down.

   Dai became an elder and then completed his lifetime wish.

Dai’s stats:

Lifetime Wish: Forensics Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler, maxed logic with celestial explorer skill
   challenge and potions skill challenge.

Ops: The Wrong Pair of Shoes, Becoming More Logical, The Right Desk, Hard Core Training.

   Wei was the last to finish. He became an elder sometime later.

Wei’s stats:

Lifetime Wish: CEO of a Mega-Corporation, level 10 of career and maxed charisma

Ops: Fixing the Books, Scientific Documents, Special Is as Special Does, Senet Strategy.

   And shortly after that, Eliot graduated from high school and moved to Union Cove.

We’ll miss him. I think he's turned out to be quite handsome.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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