Author Topic: I'm on a boat!  (Read 4088 times)


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I'm on a boat!
« on: June 01, 2011, 09:28:17 AM »
Has anyone completed this achievement? It says you have to trade by boat with the merchant 100 times. 'Tis pretty long and boring trying to get this achievement, and I think either I'm doing it the wrong way, or it's bugged. I have been trading strong health salves to Burdley. I bought a stack of 100 so I know exactly how many times I've done it (dragging and dropping 1 at a time, sailing selling only 1 at a time). On top of however many times it took me to make 1mil simoles, plus trading for responsibilities, I'm sure I've cracked 100 already. If someone else has got this achievement, could you let me know how you got it?


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Re: I'm on a boat!
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 10:45:28 AM »
I just got this one today, actually.  It doesn't seem like you have to do all 100 trades in the same kingdom.  I've played multiple merchants across multiple ambitions to get it.

Are you playing in free time or the never-ending ambition?  Achievements are disabled in that, so perhaps not all of your trades have counted toward it?
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Re: I'm on a boat!
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2011, 05:49:25 PM »
I'm playing New Beginnings, and I want to get all possible achievements in this one ambition. I've managed to stretch a 2 person quest out indefinitely (I'm at the final task, with XXX and so long as I keep one hero's focus maxed, and the other at least slightly positive, progress continues to go up) so I can get this one achievement. It's one of the last ones I have to do. I restarted the game, and the computer, but still I haven't got it. Do the trades perhaps have to be things you get something back for besides simoles?


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Re: I'm on a boat!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2011, 10:36:04 AM »
I eventually managed to do this achievement. I'm pretty sure I must have done it across multiple kingdoms. I kept trading Wildflowers to Tredony one at a time, as well as completing the daily responsibilities. I'm sure that I didn't do 100 responsibilities, so trading for cash must work OK. It took me ages though. I didn't keep a running tally of how many times I traded, so I have no idea if the counting is bugged.

