Author Topic: New Gangs of Aarbyville...assinate cannot finish quest stuck!!  (Read 5694 times)


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I'm in the ambition where you need to annex new terrioties. I'm doing the New Gangs of Aabyville quest so I can annex them. I picked the assinate option and am working with the Monarch and the Spy. I'm near the end of the quest where I assinated the two people from the gang. Now Eugenius Pirate King wants to challenge the monarch or the spy to a duel. It gave me the option for the monarch to do it or the spy. First I got the monarch to do it and he wins , but the quest task does not go away and I can`t go any further. I then tried to get the spy to do it he won and still the quest task did not go away. Each time I would leave the game without saving and go back in and try a different hero. Also I tried to challenge the pirate king to a duel three or more times and I always win but, my quest task does not end. What can I do?? Should I quit this task and try the other option??

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Re: New Gangs of Aarbyville...assinate cannot finish quest stuck!!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 11:34:23 PM »
Enable TestingCheats. Carl details this in the Medieval Guide.
Ctrl+Click on the Quest Advancement Icon.

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Re: New Gangs of Aarbyville...assinate cannot finish quest stuck!!
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 12:02:29 AM »
I tried to enable cheats but could not copy the file back into the ini folder. I have windows 7. When I tried to copy it back in it said I don't have enough space I need 2.00. Am I doing something wrong??


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Re: New Gangs of Aarbyville...assinate cannot finish quest stuck!!
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2011, 08:14:45 PM »
Can anyone dummy down for me the way to enable the cheats for windows 7?? Please I can't seem to do it.