Hello, Firstly thank you ever so much Carl & Pam for the service you are providing. This is my first post, so hoping this is in the correct place. I am playing Sims 3 with all expansions except NL, my BF is playing as well, but has NL...I purchsed World Adventures for him and we are really having fun with it, however, he is getting all sorts of happiness wishes from abroad, (ie. complete tomb, take a photograph, make a bottle of nectar, spar with someone) all having to do with the WA expansions. They even pop up when he is back in Sunset Valley. My Sim is doing all of the above, photography lvl 9, making nectar, is a lvl 10 martial artist, and have lvl 3 Visas in all 3 countries...however, my Sim hasn't once got any of these wishes from abroad...the only ones she has received are the ones you get when chatting with someone, chat with ??, first kiss with ??, those she has got with npc's from abroad...I'm starting a new Sim tonight to see if it was a bug...just wondering is my Sim just so happy she has no wishes or wants for anything??? She's never going to have enough reward points to get her teleportal...LOL Also just another little tid bit my bf found. There are 3 gnomes, one from each country in the art mueseum in France. If you can find the elusive little devils, you can click on them and drag them into your inventory...hmmm did I just rob the art muesum??