Wasn't sure where to post this, so I hope this is OK.
Ran across a thread over on the EA forum about "Sigils" (seals or signet) for Egypt which they stated there were 13 but only had 12...the OP was trying to figure out what Sigil she was missing. I checked Carl's guide and didn't find anything related to this (unless I missed it
). So I thought I would list the 12 she had and maybe someone might see the one that wasn't listed. Of course I know Carl's guide is still in progress and maybe he has this info and it's just not published yet, but if not maybe this might help with his compilation of material.
Sigils Den of Lost Souls
Tomb of the Desert Ocean
Queen Hatshepsut
Soulpeace Chambers
Bazaar Basement
Copper Quarry
Tomb of the Burning Sands
Ancient Library
Tomb of the Rock
James Vaughan Command Center
Criminal Headquarters
Tomb of Discovery