I beg to differ. I can't really prove anything, but in one game, (it's pretty much all remodeling in that game), I've started moving lots, adding buildings and remodeling many others. I also delete all vampires as I find them. The result of the beautification program is most of MY houses are now populated by new townies and some old ones have moved from their old houses to mine. I really had not intended this. My intent was to totally remodel the town, Sunset Valley, and move in Sims I and my kid make. So far I have only one of my Sims in the town! I don't even play the Sim, just use him as a jumping off point for my remodels, (yes, I know I don't need to do that, but I do intend to play him one day). I have to admit it really feels good to see my houses getting filled while the empty houses made by the game, and not yet renovated, remain empty. So, beautification DOES seem to help.