Author Topic: Gap Year  (Read 8734 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2023, 04:29:51 PM »
BTW is there any quick way of measuring friend numbers? I counted them in the relationships panel (opening their profile where it was unclear if friend or acquaintance) three times to make sure it was correct but there must be an easier way.

When you click on the Relationships panel (R) the default button is "all." The one to the right is Friends, so it will eliminate your Acquaintances. Given your monster multiplier size I encourage you to recount using that button. :) Great score, Vesper.

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2023, 04:58:36 PM »
When you click on the Relationships panel (R) the default button is "all." The one to the right is Friends, so it will eliminate your Acquaintances. Given your monster multiplier size I encourage you to recount using that button.

Thanks - that was much quicker as you can just go up in fours when counting everything. Came up with same number again so all is well.

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Offline techiechick

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2023, 01:01:56 PM »
My sim finished with 66,846 in household funds and 53 friends, for a multiplier of 6.3 and a total score of 421,129.8 .

Thanks to the team for a quick and fun challenge and to sone for answering a gameplay question!

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2023, 04:14:32 PM »
I didn't do so well, but at least I finished.  There should be points for playing. 
Oh wait, there are... :)

Household funds §140,646 x 1 Friend

(140646 x 1.1) = 154710 Total
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Offline Tipi

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2023, 06:45:43 AM »
Household funds: 297890 Simoleans, friends: 124 => 13,4 x 297890 = 3991726.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2023, 07:26:04 AM »
Household funds = 90823. Made 22 friends = 2.2 + 1.00 multiplier

90823 X 3.20 = 290633

Offline jesslc

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2023, 10:15:31 AM »
My Sim finished the week with 538,685 simoleons and 76 friends (multiplier = 8.6)
Total = 4,632,691

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Offline Eighty8Keys

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2023, 05:28:34 PM »
Nothing went as planned on this. I am really interested in hearing how others managed to do so well. I still had a good time.

Household funds = 50597. Made 12 friends = 1.2 + 1.0 multiplier = 2.2

50597 x 2.2 = 111313

Offline sone

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2023, 07:17:34 PM »
Josie Addison finished with 154 friends for a multiplier of 16.4, and household funds at §213,105, for a total score of 3,494,922.

Offline mismck

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2023, 08:43:35 PM »
Only had a couple of Human hours to play today and made it to Tuesday morning in Sim World...

Ima KnowItAll had §3,833 and 24 friends for a score of 13,032

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2023, 07:14:15 AM »
This challenge is now closed.

@Vesper continues her total dominance this year with another outstanding performance. Great job! This was a fun challenge. My thanks to team member @sone for putting this together. Everyone is now free to share their strategies.

Offline Vesper

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2023, 08:01:29 AM »
so I remembered from a previous challenge Making Money in 2020: 20 Days, 20 Ways that asking for loans was a big money maker and because this challenge had the friendship multiplier it seemed like this would work on the two at the same time. I thought it could earn a score of around two or three million but apparently vastly underestimated the strategy.

My sim Friendly Fam (creative burnout isn't just for Sims) started with Leader of the Pack aspiration for the socialising boost (switched between this and Friend of the World for satisfaction points and ultimately aspiration rewards) and the traits Outgoing, Insider, and Loyal (just in case it helped maintain friendships but not sure it had any impact). Immediately joined the Good Timers, bought the Popular Club perk, and started a gathering on my empty lot. Just until the welcome wagon came along for intros. Then I moved the club fun to The Gnome's Arms in Henford-on-Bagley as it has the convivial lot trait to boost charisma gain. I worked on charisma by befriending Bjorn so that I could take over the club. Changed activities to friendly interactions, watch TV etc. next club perk I bought was the boost to charisma skill gain.

Stayed in a club gathering most of the game for charisma boost and then for rally the troops though rotated members based on who I hadn't yet asked for loans. Once I got charisma up enough to ask for small loans I did this pretty much exclusively to level charisma to 9 for ask for large loans. Asking for both provides 2500 simoleons. Children can't give you loans but teens can give you small ones. All that friendliness led to a pristine reputation so pretty soon a cheerful interaction would max out the friendship bar or at least to good friend level. This isn't needed for loan requests but it makes it easier and obviously helps with the multiplier. Only one Sim refused a large loan outright, three or four needed a second ask. If Sims joined a conversation rather than Friendly introducing herself to them then they would not become friends right away. I tended to get money from them and move on rather than try to build friendship as there are enough NPCs for introductions to not need to waste time on that.

So it was a bit of grind once Friendly had levelled charisma (Tuesday?) which is why I played over four days despite it being a quick challenge. I'm sure a better score could be achieved if someone was willing to grind harder. Friendly completed Fabulously Wealthy as well as the other two aspirations. Friend of the World is supposed to stop friendship decay but it turned out not to be an issue anyway. Only one friendship decayed and that was because Vlad was mean/ gross I think. I basically went from lot to lot through each world to meet new Sims, greeting someone on their doorstep and asking them to join the club if I needed a boost. Ghost night at the pub was a good one as that provided Sims I wouldn't have met otherwise. Spent satisfaction points on Antiseptic so along with Rally the Troops she barely had to worry about needs. I have many pages of notes with who'd been asked for loans out of those met but near the end of the challenge it was a simple introduce - ask for large loan - ask for small loan - next intro so I stopped. Always asked for large loan first in case the Sim wanted to leave the lot.

Think that's the gist, was a lot of fun as always. Can't believe we only have a couple more challenges to go this year.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2023, 08:25:48 AM »
Can't believe we only have a couple more challenges to go this year.

Tell me about it! Where does the time go? The team is currently ironing out the Finale rule set and I post that a week from today. That will give players like yourself who will inevitably test and strategize two full weeks before it goes live instead of the usual one week. Testers will actually be important in case something needs to be changed.

Offline jesslc

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2023, 02:51:13 AM »
Congratulations Vesper!

I don't have the Seasons pack which may have been a small advantage for this one as far as the money making part was concerned. My Sim's funds were gained in a combination of:
a) gardening - pick the empty lot across from the Goth house because there are approx §4000 worth of harvestable plants which can be ready Mon 6am in this neighbourhood (might not work with Seasons)
b) running a painting club on our empty lot - my Sim took over the good timers and repurposed it. Easels can be purchased via one of the university kiosks in Britchester since that puts them directly into your Sim's personal inventory
c) asking for loans with charisma

These are listed in the order that they were used as our primary source of money making, not by how much my Sim made from each method. I questioned the team privately about clubs and putting personal inventory items on our empty lot because I wanted to be sure my plans were alright. Thank you to sone for answering my questions and for allowing "squatters rights".

In hindsight (always 20/20), I know that I could have managed my Sim's time better - particularly with regards to raising charisma faster. That would've probably given me more friends and more money, but I doubt it would've been enough to catch up to Vesper's impressive numbers!

Offline Vesper

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Re: Gap Year
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2023, 10:57:31 AM »
nice one @jesslc, I rarely think about where to move to and just choose my old favourites of the cheapest, forget that the Goth zone has such good harvestables.

One thing I completely forget when writing up is that I did a (tiny) bit of swiping via club activity. There aren't many things that go into personal inventory rather than household but slablet tablets do and they're worth 1k. I found one in the BFF's and one at the Goth's and then no others but forgot to look after a bit.

