Good Evening, simmers!
I am trying a new household to play, I am playing the Crosby household. Heather got pregnant and Odin was very unhappy about it. While Odin was at work during the day, I had Heather quit her job and take up painting. she also won a few thousand simoleans at the casino. so once she found out she is pregnant, I had her tell Odin about the baby, they argued so I had her divorce him and I moved her into her new 2 beddroom home. I am using a mod from mod the sims which lets you take a sim to court, so I had her do that and she received $1,000. I am planning to make this child support and give her $1,000 each week. but my question for you guys is this: is it possible for odin to have a relationship with his daughter (who I named Alexis)? his bio is that he dislikes children, so i'm asking you guys because of this trait, can it be possible for him to have a relationship with her?