Author Topic: Is there a mod that adds the Invisible Friend Charm to Supernatural?  (Read 1613 times)

Offline vgamer1991

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OK, OK I know Imaginary Friends exist in the Generations EP. But what if a young Sim who knew how to use magic wanted an Imaginary Friend that was entirely human, but only they knew they were around (I've created the Harry Potter universe inside a copy of Midnight Hollow, and now that the Dursleys have begrudgingly begun looking after Harry I don't think they want him playing with a doll...and that would be my first use of such a mod)? The Invisible Friend charm, as used in TS3, would ideally have the Child Sim casting the charm able to choose the name, gender and appearance of their Invisible Friend just before casting the charm (and thus, such an ability would take us into CAS just before the charm was cast). Does such a mod exist (even if it doesn't necessarily have the features I mentioned)?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Is there a mod that adds the Invisible Friend Charm to Supernatural?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2022, 10:09:42 AM »
I don't think there's a mod like this or if it's possible to make a mod like this, but you might ask over at Nraas and MTS about it.

I don't think it's okay to ask for mod requests on either site. However, asking if it's possible to make an Invisible Friend Charm mod may be okay.
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