Before I share tips, please forgive any miss-understanding, there's isn't a lot of details to go on.
There's a few possibilities of what happened.
1. Family disappeared after returning home from their honeymoon. The save is missing it's user interface (UI).
If this is the case, you might try switching to a different family for temporary and then switching back to main family through Edit Town.
If that doesn't work, try going back to a previous save before they traveled. You will have lost some progress, but at least you'll have your family. See the post linked below on how to go back to a previous save or see more tips from Crinrict in the link under that.
Go Back to a Previous Save can find more tips in Crinrict's article: 2. Saved game shows in main menu, but is "greyed" out or showing a message of Cannot load this save game, when you mouse over the save icon. As shown in the photo below:
Here's my post that can help fix that issue:
Can't access files? (Possible Solution) - For missing file You see a silhouette of a family and of a house on the main menu. Like in the photo below:
If this is the case, what happened here is you saved the game without an active family. Load the save, find your family and then re-save the game.
4. When you look in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves, what save files do you see? Do you see any save files that have .backup?
If so, you can rename it, to use it. (Right-click on file and rename and remove the .backup.)
If you don't want to override your original save.sim3 file. Rename the original as well. Give it a number, for example: SavedGame1.sims3 or SavedGame1a.sims3
5. Delete or move your saved games to another folder, usb drive, external or cloud storage. It's a known issue to have saves go missing if you have too many saved games in your Saves folder.
6. Files Aren't In the Saves folder. Some files may have been moved to OneDrive by the computer. It's suggested to disable or turn this off, so it doesn't happen again. Sims 3 cannot see any games outside it's own folder. \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3
Turn off, disable, or uninstall OneDrive may want to do this even if you've started a new save. This way the computer doesn't try to move your Sims 3 files again.
I'm sorry I didn't think about this sooner. I've had OneDrive turned off from the start.
Hopefully this will help either find your save files, or at the very least stop them from getting moved.
If none of these tips help, please give more detail on what's going on and we'll troubleshoot some more.