Author Topic: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby&legacy challenge - Chapter 10 03/07/2022  (Read 7888 times)

Offline Pipettipioloki

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7th chapter - 1905 Cow... plant?!

The whole family celebrated Imbolc (spring cleaning, making resolutions, hunting eggs and meeting the flower bunny).
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Rose found a strange seed, and it became a very weird looking plant. Turned out it was a cow plant! The flower bunny really surprised Rose! Though the cow plant made a good guardian for the farm.
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Charles achiever his aspiration of artistic prodigy and Mary her social butterfly aspiration. Mary also grew up into art loving renaissance teenager.
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Helen was a little trouble maker and although she was a sweet child, she definitely was showing her very own attitude of an erratic sim!
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Fun facts: I'm writing these a bit behind the schedule, and I see why I got bored for a while and it felt like although I was playing hours, nothing happened. Not much really happened, in progressing the story -wise. It seemed that I was stuck on this constant upkeeping process. I really need some drama again!

Offline Pipettipioloki

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Chapter 8 - 1907 Love is back

Charles found his spirit animal, and got the family a bit worried for a while, but luckily it seemed to be only a phase.
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Robert and Rose learned how to handle the house and reduced their costs (frugal trait for both), and the bills for the family was 987 simoleons.
Robert also continued extending the farm, and he built extensions for the farm house, outhouse, shed and cellar! Dot came to visit Helen and it seemed that he really had learned from his mistakes, and although he was sorry he couldn't be in Helen's life, he did the best he could.
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Robert and Rose celebrated Love Day (Robert finished his aspiration) and after an interesting date (Rose collapsed of exhaustion and out from nowhere Agatha attacked Robert!) Robert proposed to Rose, and they got married!
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After a night full of monsters, the twins grew up into teenagers (Charles became jealous actor and George vegetarian painter extraordinaire)
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Fun facts: Well here was the drama! I was determined to get some aspirations going on, and the final date for Robert's aspiration was a complete disaster, crowned by the surprise attack by Agatha :D Finally I could also age up the twins, as George was lazy and the aspiration took days longer to complete than for Charles!

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Offline Pipettipioloki

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9th chapter - 1909 New generation in charge of the farm

Helen found the exact same spirit animal Charles had left behind, she just wanted to be like her brother.

The whole family celebrated Beltane (shared flowers, no streaking this time) and the bills were 836 simoleons (the frugality started to pay off). Also Litha came (grilling, drinks and fire) and Helen completed her social butterfly aspiration just in time before aging up! She grew up into self absorbed chief of mischief teenager, oh what a girl she'll be! Also Mary grew up into responsible, family-oriented adult.

Rose took the girls to the town and introduced the market to Mary, so that she could take over the crop selling now that she was an adult.
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Helen caused some mayhem with Agatha by pranking her. Although at first it seemed that Agatha was full on with Helen's pranks, at the end she got enough of her shenanigans.
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Mary went to have a snack at the bar, and met Ernst, who seemed a very nice lad! As the girls were in no hurry to get back to the farm, Mary had a long chat with Ernst and even introduced him to Rose.
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Fun facts: oh finally Mary got into adulthood and there can be more babies coming up! I just can't bring any more relationship disasters for Rose, she really deserves her happiness with Robert! :D Also, Helen is such an interesting sim! And I thought that she could take her mischief to Agatha but the old lady really seemed to enjoy the pranks and it required some hard mean things to get her hating Helen :D

Offline Pipettipioloki

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10th chapter - Cycle of Life

Robert maxed his handiness skill by all the renovations he'd been working with, and the family celebrated Lammas by gardening together. After hard day they all gathered around the fire to tell stories. The bills were 942 simoleons.
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As Mary was family-oriented, and there were no small kids in the farm anymore, she took a job as a baby sitter for the neighbors. It seemed that the relationship with Ernst also was very serious, as Mary noticed she was fertile and expecting baby for Ernst! The couple got married and Ernst moved in.
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Ernst gave some inspiration to Robert and together they completely renovated the farm into a new look.

The teen twin brothers sneaked out to the town and they were caught by Helen, who insisted on joining them, or to tell the parents! On their trip Helen found an interesting old book and took it with her to be read later.

On one night Robert went to feed the cowplant, and was eaten by the plant! Rose was devastated, as was the whole family. Robert truly had been the soul of the farm. Although, following death, twins (Joseph and Dorothy) were born to Mary and Ernst.
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The year ended with the celebration of Yule, and this was the first time the whole family took the day off just to enjoy the holiday!
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Fun facts: I realized that I had to get rid of one sim in able to get twins for Mary, so Robert had to go. I decided I wanted to be versatile with the different ways the sims could go, so the cow plant came really handy! But... after I had done this it hit me that I was so focused on getting Mary pregnant soon, that I completely had forgotten to get Rose pregnant with Robert!!! Nooooo! I wanted them to have kids to seal the final perfect relationship for Rose but I forgot :( Eh I was so mad at myself! Rose really didn't deserve this, so sorry Rose!!
I also wanted to start introducing the occults to the family, and who would be more perfect vampire than Helen?! So I got started with that storyline by getting her some vampire lore and got into business on finishing her mischief aspiration.
Then came Yule and everything was a disaster. Father Christmas was bugged and none of the sims got presents. As Robert had just passed away, everyone were so sad that they were not able to do anything (yeah, kind of my fault :D) and at the end I tried to at least get the christmas tree nice but it started burning!!! I thought that this would be good way to get Ernst out of the way (no offence, he's a good guy) and I got him in fire. Well, unlike ever in any of my games, instead of panicking ALL the sims came to extinguish the tree and Ernst and he survived. ** it. I was done with the game for few days!

Offline Rhoxi

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"Mary deserves happiness in romance!" Two seconds later, "so then Robert died." Poor dear!

