Author Topic: Just asking...did I "bork" my game? (Solved)  (Read 3755 times)

Offline ModHunter

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Just asking...did I "bork" my game? (Solved)
« on: April 17, 2022, 05:13:38 PM »
And if you don't know what "bork" means I can tell you that it's the same as "corrupt". But everything from the beginning...

Today I did something I have not done in a very long time... I booted up my other desktop computer and played some Sims 3. It was nice, but I had to get into it all again. I played some (sim) days in Starlight Shores where I have female sim who is a singer. Even though she is just a one star celebrity the paparazzis  shows up at her door even so often. My reaction to this is to let her or the roommate harass them as much as possible. This use not to be a problem but this time the last queued action get "stuck" as the uninvited guest left before my sim could perform it. This meant that the sim did get stuck by the mailbox and she could not do anything else. I jumped out to  Edit Town but that did not help and quitting to main menu did not do the trick either. But I did have a secret weapon...

...I do have the Nraas Mastercontroller. This is a tool I have to use ever so often when sims (for unknown reasons) ends up being "unroutable" which I get to know by messages. So I thought, why not - she is stuck. The reset did throw her inside and the game did run normal after that... But now there is a "blind" spot on the path leading to the house. My sims do not  take notice of this, they just walk around it. But the spot is inaccessible and it looks kind of strange. Changing out the concrete to something else do not help either. So, did I break something with the Nraas mod?
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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Just asking...did I "bork" my game?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2022, 11:29:36 AM »
I don't think Nraas broke your game. It may mean you might want to try Resetting Everything or Reset Lot via Nraas MasterController

Reset Everything -
Selected Sim > Nraas > City Hall > MasterController > Town > Reset Everything

Reset Lot -
Left-click on Lot, Nraas > MasterController > Reset Lot

If by chance it's a jig, (oblong shape thing that's usually on the floor/ground). You can follow the suggestion in the thread linked below to delete them via MasterController or DebugEnabler.

How do I flush the jigs?

Or if it's an object, try deleting the object via cheats.

1. Ctrl-Shift-C together to bring up the cheat console.
2. Type in testingcheatsenabled on and then type in buydebug on.
3. Shift-click on lot and select either buy or build on this lot.

For those hard to delete items, press Ctrl-Shift together, while having mouse over item and select Delete it.
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Re: Just asking...did I "bork" my game?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2022, 12:27:06 AM »
Thanks for the reply. Yes, my "object" do fit the description of a "jig" very well. I did follow the link to nraas but the topic seemed a bit different in that thread. Member brappl  (3:rd post) do provide a link but I can not access that webpage. Using the methods of resetting  seems to be quite dangerous as it can mess up the gamesave (at least the thread says so) . But maybe I'm brave enough to try it.
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Offline Seabody

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Re: Just asking...did I "bork" my game?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2022, 02:07:47 AM »
That's a litany of errors on the link: it points to the old wikispaces site (from when twallan ran the show), and the URL itself looks like it was encoded wrong. Here is the link brappl posted, you have to view it through the WayBack Machine, and I've reproduced it below. I kept the source formatting as close as possible intentionally, apologies for weird indentations.

Most likely the sim has a broken or corrupt outfit assigned to them and when the game attempts to render their physical body, it is unable to do so.
For the solution to this problem, please see: DebugEnabler FAQ - Fix Invisible Sims.
TIP: Don't want to use NRaas? See: The Invisible Sim Fixer Mod by Consort

The Same Sim Keeps Getting Stuck

Overwatch generally corrects these issues but occasionally, circumstances prevent that from happening.

There are a couple of different things that can be done to fix this:

    If you have ErrorTrap installed and a script error has been generated, you could upload the error for someone to read to see if it can be determined what is causing the sim to continue to be stuck.
    See: How To Upload.

    Temporarily turn off the Overwatch Stuck Check Auto Reset function so that Sim (and temporarily, any other sim, that may be stuck during this period) will stay at that unroutable spot when the notice appears. This way you can check the terrain or Lot and fix the routing problem (if possible). Don't forget to turn the Stuck Check Auto Reset option back on again afterwards.
        CityHall/Computer > NRaas > Overwatch > Settings > Stuck Check Auto-Reset

Stuck Sims and Jigs

Here are a few suggestions for finding and flushing Jigs.

Jigs are objects used to temporarily alter the routing system. In the case of a SocialJigTwoPerson for instance, they stop sims from walking between two sims having a conversation.
They often pile up in the game causing routing issues, resulting in lag.

Often, those markers are generated by the game for spawning stray pets or as mentioned above. Social Jigs can cause the same type of problem. Deleting a jig that is in use will most likely bounce the sims involved. ErrorTrap should hard-reset them automatically every night, if you have that mod installed but under some circumstances it does not catch them all.

To find Jigs and flush (delete) them, use MasterController:
From City Hall or any computer: NRaas > Master Controller > Town > Object Stats

TIP: You can actually see some of the jigs as grey oval-shaped rugs if you're in BuyDebug mode. You can then pick them up and delete them.

If nothing else suggested above has worked try this:
Click on the ground > NRaas > Master Controller > Object Stats > Not Inventory then click on the jig, confirm flush and that should remove them.

If you want to check if it's a "worldly problem" use the City Hall and instead of "Not In Inventory", use "Global" to flush them all.

Offline ModHunter

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Re: Just asking...did I "bork" my game?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2022, 11:43:39 AM »
Thank you Seabody for reproducing the text, it was very helpful.  :)

Yeah, I'm now convinced that it is a so called "jig" that I have to deal with and that it occurred because of my reset of said sim. It is, indeed, a circular to oval shaped "shadow" on the ground. I will back up my game and try to perform a reset of the lot. I do have a weak memory of having the Error Trap installed (but can not check it now). If there is any type of log from my recent play session I will put the reset "on hold" and post the log here.
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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Just asking...did I "bork" my game?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2022, 12:40:12 PM »
If you have any questions specifically about any Nraas Mods, it's best to ask over at their website.  They can help in more detail. -

Like for example, if you have ErrorTrap installed, share the error report it creates with them and they can help tell you what's wrong with your game and possibly how to correct it.
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Offline ModHunter

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Re: Just asking...did I "bork" my game?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2022, 01:15:34 PM »
Yes, that is a good idea of cause (I did see your note earlier). I will take a look this weekend and see if I can find any log or something.  :)
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Offline ModHunter

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Re: Just asking...did I "bork" my game?
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2022, 12:12:26 PM »
Hello everyone!

I'm very sorry that my reply is so late but I had not really getting into this until now. The reason? Well, I did fallow the advice from MrsFlynn and did post the issue on the Nraas forum board as well with a link to this thread. There is a add on to the Nraas Master Controller mod called the MC Cheats add-on module ( ) and as I did not have it installed I could not follow the post from Seabody. But after installing it it was easy to solve the issue. I did find a "object" on the lot called "Core.SocialJigOnePerson" and removed it with this methode "Click on the ground > NRaas > Master Controller > Object Stats > Not Inventory then click on the jig, confirm flush and that should remove them". So thank you, the problem is solved.  :)

But after a few sim days I did run into a similar situation as my sim did freeze up as she were about to close a gig she had. Restarting the game did not solve this and my only option was to reset her, making the game believe she had not been fulfilled the gig at all.  :'( This is the second time that my game locks up like this and I have no reasons what so ever to believe that the issue is mod related in any form. (And the ingame clock was not even 3 AM when some Nraas mod goes in and removes vehicles, turn of stereos etc). As you sure can understand this is very annoying to say the least and it makes me not want to play the game at all. (During my Sims 2 era I had enough troubleshooting to do and I surely do not want that rabbit hole with the Sims 3). And in the long run, it can be anything from the game itself to the computer with it's soft- and hardware. So I will leave it as it is. But thank you for helping me out with the main issue.

This text will be be added to my thread on as well. 
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