Author Topic: Something is Killing the Parents in Egypt!  (Read 2731 times)

Offline RockinRobin

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Something is Killing the Parents in Egypt!
« on: December 20, 2009, 02:31:46 PM »
Ok, so my sim has finally returned to Egypt for a visit. This is the first time since she found out she had a son there that she didn't know about. I was planning to visit Inji Ameen since I got the message that she was old and was gonna die soon. So I was in map view trying to see where her house was and also trying to see if I could find her alleged "husband" as well. (even though he's still not on her friends panel)

Anyway, there were like 3 or 4 homes that showed only a single child living there and NO parents! I had her go over to a couple of them and the first one was eating a PB&J sandwich and was all alone, so I made her dinner. Now she's over at a little boy's house and he's also there alone.

I'm beginning to think that Egypt is just really buggy.

She just got to Egypt, so I haven't yet discovered if she's had anymore children, but I'll let you all know what she finds. LOL