Author Topic: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) Complete (22-May-2023)  (Read 21721 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.4: Brotherly Love (20-May)
« Reply #135 on: May 20, 2023, 02:50:43 PM »
That Bag-head NAP - every time I see it, I can almost hear the devs laughing about it as they discussed it in development.
Congrats to Laurie - loved her swimsuit and goggles dancing attire! And welcome to Callen.
Hmmm . . . a Vampire Hunter line . . . sounds quite intriguing . . . I've seen a lot of vampires, but not a Vampire Hunter yet. I'm hoping she'll make the cut.
Laurie ordered prescription swim goggles so she could see while swimming. She didn't realise the snorkel wasn't detachable, lol!

The Vampire Hunter option is:
1. Complete the Body Builder aspiration.
2. Forcibly cure 3 vampires (note: has to be at level 15 Vampire lore to do this).
3. Maintain a garden containing garlic, plasma fruit, and wolfsbane.

I wonder if I'd run out of Vampires without a Vampire Bloodline? I've decided that I definitely don't want a Vampire/Vampire-Hunter tussle with the 3rd bloodline on the side-lines.
Congrats to Laurie on Independent Living.
Two more days, Sky!  Two more days!
She can taste her freedom!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.4: Brotherly Love (20-May)
« Reply #136 on: May 20, 2023, 10:25:41 PM »
About the Vampire Hunter bloodline, I didn't choose this bloodline, but I've had to cure 7 vampires in a different dynasty challenge (possibly my 7 Heroes dynasty).
I remember struggling to find seven vampires to cure, even after curing Vlad, Caleb, and Lilith, lol.
Of course, combining Vampire Hunter with a Vampire bloodlines would solve this by having Vampire spares (not heirs) provide vampires for the Vampire Hunters.
Without a Vampire bloodline, there's no guarantee that Neighborhood Stories would pair up vampires who will procreate and provide vampires for your Vampire Hunters.
These are just my random musings.

If you really want to do Vampire Hunter, you could seek MarianT's advice. :D

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.4: Brotherly Love (20-May)
« Reply #137 on: May 20, 2023, 11:58:55 PM »
We had a vampire challenge awhile back - I got new vampires to spawn by hanging out in Forgotten Hollow at night.
But what fun that 3rd bloodline could have, riling up the Vamps and Hunters against each other to distract them so the 3rd bloodline could win!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.5: Two More Days
« Reply #138 on: May 21, 2023, 03:30:19 AM »
Caretakers Journal: Final Entry

Felicity/Happy: Who’s the new guy?
Naked: That’s Callen. He’s Lazy & Cheerful.
Doe: Is he going to be the new Caretaker?
Naked: Nah! He’s just a makeweight.
Fawn: What’s a makeweight?
Naked: It’s the random bit of chocolate they used to put in boxes of chocolates to “make” the “weight” up to the right amount.
Fawn: Oh.
Rabbit: Why do we need a new Caretaker? Is Sky alright?
Felicity: Where have you been? It’s Sky’s elder birthday tomorrow. She can drink a potion of youth and leave.
Rabbit (wails): But what are we going to do without a Caretaker?


Rabbit: What’s going on! Some pink interloper, who goes “ding” when you tap him, turned up this morning from the decorations box and now this Giant?
Ding: Don’t mind me.
Easter Bunny: Hi Sky – do you want me to hide some eggs?
Sky: No. Only me would look for them. It would be a waste.
EB: Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
Sky: Not if I can help it.


Sky: We all failed the Spice Challenge but we’ve not really tried it before. It's never fun failing challenges but it's good to try. It makes life interesting but, wow – that curry was hot!


Sky: The Bubble Blower was fun although I did get a bit silly.
Watcher: It’s nearly curfew anyway. Time to head home for some beauty sleep. You don’t want to fail at the midnight hour, do you?


Sky: Good morning Shower, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.


Sky: Goodbye Voice. It’s been….interesting. I picked up another cowberry at the Spice Festival last night so maybe, just maybe, you might get a baby brother/sister...
The Voice: FYI, we are gender-neutral.
Sky: Oh! Good to know.


Rabbit: Oh I don’t want to say goodbye!
Sky: Come on Rabbit. Quick before anyone notices, into my pocket.


Felicity: Hey! Where’s Rabbit?
Naked: He was here a moment ago!
Ding: I’m still here!
Felicity: Oh – that’s OK then.


Watcher: It’s 6 o’clock, Sky. Drink up.
Sky: Wow, I feel great – still an adult but back to the start of this age.


Sky: What’s this?
Watcher: Well, I thought you might like to get rid of that Erratic trait.
Sky: Maybe I like showering in the rain.
Watcher: Dropping queues? Never knowing what mood you’re going to wake up in?
Sky: Oh right. OK!


Watcher: Right! Time to split from here and get over to your new home. I’ve just realized you were one of the youngest of the original Facility members. Flint could age-up any moment!
Sky: Argh! Why didn’t you remember earlier! That taxi can’t get here fast enough!


Sky: Oh Flint! I’m so glad to see your lovely black hair. I’ve got a couple of gifts for you and drink them quickly.
Flint: I see who’s going to be in charge in our household!
Sky: Sorry Flint. I just want you to live a long life with me.


Flint: Which is the Potion of Youth. I’ll drink that first.
Sky: Phew.
Flint: Now then, how do I decide which traits I want?
Sky: Well, I kept my original Cheerful and Cat-Lover and then, because I developed it in the Facility, I became Good.
Flint: That’s a good plan. I always Loved Outdoors and while I was working out I realized I was Active. My Independent Living qualification was swapping Gloomy for Cheerful so those are 3 great traits.
Sky: We’ll be unstoppable together. How about a celebration!
Flint: But who to invite?


Sky: A toast! To all the original Residents, remembering Julienne, and all the rivals for the Newcrest Development – we’re all fabulous!
Everyone: Hooray!


Rhett: Listen guys, I’ve heard it’s still up in the air about who’s going in. Apart from Kiama, of course.. What do you think?
Kiama: What a total and complete surprise that I should be chosen. I can’t wait to set up a haven for Spellcasting.
Will: I’ve been studying the fine print. We’d need to max a 10+level career. And we need to find spouses and start dynasties as well as our chosen projects.
Kiama: Are you winking those sparkly greens at me, shop boy?
Rhett: It’s a possibility.
Will: No! No! No it’s not! We can’t marry each other. Shut that down right away.
Rhett: You know - any of us could do any of the bloodlines.
Will: I don’t think I could be a Vampire-Hunter. Alan could – you know he’s got all those muscles!
Kiama: Yes - that body... And I've read somewhere that he can stop being an Alien so that's not a complication
Rhett: You could do Mansion, Will.
Will: I don’t know. Watcher’s not very good at building & décor.
Kiama: But just think! Our kids would grow up together.
Will: Yes – all those play-dates and sleepovers.
Rhett: What an adventure!


Watcher: And we could leave it there, with Sky happily celebrating with friends, old and new. In a house that still needs some work but in a beautiful setting. But, let’s go inside…


Sky: Hello? What are you two poppets doing here?
Barley: Meow!
Miss Kitty: Meow!
Pet Adoption Rep: Your husband arranged for us to visit. He said you want a cat. Was he wrong? I can take them both back if he was.


Sky: Oh no! He’s not wrong. Oh look at this cuteness.


Miss Kitty: female Cornish Rex kitten
Glutton, Hairy, Territorial

Barley: male Birman kitten
Clever, Prowler, Free Spirit.

Sky: Oh Flint. I don’t know which to choose. Miss Kitty is Hairy like Nova was. But Barley is a Prowler like Nova. Which one do you think?
Flint: I know exactly what to do!


And so, dear readers, we leave the ecstatic (but not hysterical) Sky with her beloved Flint at the start of their Adult life with both Miss Kitty and Barley. Flint started the writing career some time ago at Sky's suggestion but is still on level 1. Will Sky get a job? Will they have nooboos? It’s the beginning of a new, private adventure.
Rabbit: Oh yes! I think we’ll all live happily ever after.

The End.jpg

Final Score: +19270 Current score

Alan: Charisma 4, Cooking 5, Dancing 4, Fitness 6, Video Gaming 3, +8 level 1; Outgoing, Geek, Alien +Clumsy+Cheerful+Active
Will: Charisma 4, Cooking 4, Dancing 3, Fitness 3, Logic 2, Mischief 2, +6 level 1; Genius, Bookworm +Cheerful
Rhett: Charisma 4, Dancing 3, Fitness 2, Video Gaming 2, +8 level 1; Ambitious, Outgoing +Cheerful
Manara: Charisma 4, Cooking 3, Dancing 3, Fitness 5, Mixology 2, +6 level 1; Materialistic, Snob +Active
Beda: Cooking 2, Dancing 2, Fitness 4, +9 level 1; Neat, Active
Kitty: Cooking 2, Dancing 2, +9 level 1; Bookworm, Animal Enthusiast
Callen: +9 level 1; Lazy, Cheerful

Independent Living
Previous Residents

Sky: Cat-Lover, Outgoing, Good
Flint: Loves Outdoors, Active, Cheerful

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.5: Two More Days (21-May)
« Reply #139 on: May 21, 2023, 01:56:55 PM »
What an awesome adventure this story has been! On the one hand, I hate for it to end; on the other, I'm quite excited about your next adventure and your three rival bloodlines.

I'm wishing Sky, Flint, their future nooboos, Rabbit, Miss Kitty and Barley all the best the simverse has to offer!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.5: Two More Days (21-May)
« Reply #140 on: May 21, 2023, 03:06:24 PM »
Congratulations on completing your Asylum Challenge, Watcher!
It was a delightful ride. 
Um, was it my imagination or were there an ordinately large number of screenshots showcasing Alan's nice body?

By the way, I chose the Mansion Baron aspiration in my RDC and it was quite fun.
You don't need to obsess over building & decor--your sims just need to complete the Mansion Baron aspiration. ;-)
Looking forward to your new adventures!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.5: Two More Days (21-May)
« Reply #141 on: May 21, 2023, 08:09:59 PM »

What a nice, cute end for our dear Sky and Flint. I appreciated that she said goodbye to the shower and the Voice, some of my favorite residents, and that she managed to stay only ecstatic and not hysterical (boy what an ending that would have been!). Looking forward to your rival dynasty and seeing who/what you start with!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 10.5: Two More Days (21-May)
« Reply #142 on: May 22, 2023, 04:35:23 AM »
Thank you all for your support and encouragement and advice. I do enjoy the community aspect of this forum

What an awesome adventure this story has been! On the one hand, I hate for it to end; on the other, I'm quite excited about your next adventure and your three rival bloodlines.

I'm wishing Sky, Flint, their future nooboos, Rabbit, Miss Kitty and Barley all the best the simverse has to offer!
I've chosen my 3 bloodlines, founders and their careers and maybe a degree... I really should do some more planning but it's so tempting to dive in there and wing it!
Congratulations on completing your Asylum Challenge, Watcher!
It was a delightful ride. 
Um, was it my imagination or were there an ordinately large number of screenshots showcasing Alan's nice body?

By the way, I chose the Mansion Baron aspiration in my RDC and it was quite fun.
You don't need to obsess over building & decor--your sims just need to complete the Mansion Baron aspiration. ;-)
Looking forward to your new adventures!
If I remembered, I aways tried to set the Residents sleepwear to the simple wrap-around for the girls and just shorts/trousers for the boys. After all, I needed to monitor their fitness levels some way. Alan just happened to spend a lot of time in his sleepwear - or did I make his sportswear topless too? Anyway - he just happened to be very present. I wonder if a human clone of him would have the same body...

What a nice, cute end for our dear Sky and Flint. I appreciated that she said goodbye to the shower and the Voice, some of my favorite residents, and that she managed to stay only ecstatic and not hysterical (boy what an ending that would have been!). Looking forward to your rival dynasty and seeing who/what you start with!
It was cute. After poor Sky having a bit of a trauma as Sky Not Blue transitioned from the Nine Lives Dynasty, I wanted her to have a happy ending. The Facility was fun to play and she put her best into it but, as @Brian_Z pointed out, it was a bit of a sad situation.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) Closing Stats and Thoughts
« Reply #143 on: May 22, 2023, 04:36:35 AM »
Statistics and Closing Thoughts

Final Score: +19270

+24000 - Residents achieving "Independent Living" Status (+1000) 24
+800 - Every Caretaker Aspiration completed (+200) 4
+3600 - Every friend other than Residents (+200) 18
+700 - Every skill maxed to level 10 by any Sim including Caretaker (+100) 7
+6070 - Every level of skill of a Leaving Resident over their Leaving Requirements (+10) 607

-4000 - Every Sim who dies Sam, Jacqueline, Gulliver, Lola(-1000)
-1200 - Every bathroom accident (-100) 12
-11700 - Every passing out (-100) 117
-200 - Every fire (-200) 1
0 - Every day when either services are cut off (-200 for one, -400 for both)

2 – Highest number of bathroom accidents – Joel
8 – Highest number of Pass-Outs – Julienne
7 Days – Shortest stay in the Facility was Kiama who swapped her Hot-Headed trait for Cheerfulness
27 Days - Longest stay in the Facility was Bernard, the self-assured original Residents, 3 skills to level 5

Independent Living
The independent Living requirement is one of the following:
•   Get 3 skills to level 5 – this was the commonest at 16 Residents
•   Max one skill to level 10 – only 3 Residents achieved this and all in Fitness
•   Gain 3 new “helpful” traits (Growing Together – players definition) – only Robyn achieved this, gaining Cheerful, Active & Loves Outdoors
•   Swap “unhelpful” trait for a “helpful” one (Growing Together – players definition) – 4 Residents managed this (Gloomy to Cheerful, Lazy to Active and 2 Hot-Headed to Cheerful)

Getting the Growing Together Personal Development moments was perfect timing for me to play this challenge with the additional/changing traits

Previous Residents

I’d initially play-tested this challenge with half Erratic and half Paranoid Residents. They all started running around screaming from the start, the Paranoid ones scaring the Erratics.

I have very much enjoyed playing this challenge. I enjoyed that Sky being a constant but having 35 other characters coming and going, some grabbing the limelight and some quietly developing in the background.

The skilling items donated by the leaving residents were interesting. No-one autonomously used the floor mural and only Genius Will used the Telescope. I’m so used to using Clubs with their encouraged activities that it was surprising to note what autonomous activities happened. With Bracing Breezes as a lot trait, it is not surprising that Fitness was the most common skill raised.

Cooking together was new to me. It raised cooking or gourmet cooking slightly but raised their friendship enormously. It took a long time to gather and start but the result was 12 meals (I think). Some gathered but then drifted off which might have been their Erratic nature. It was helpful to choose long-prep-time items such as Butternut Gnocchi.

The challenge got easier towards the end as beds were added. The one loo was not such a problem. I hadn’t realised that the hot-tub would be such an aid for sleepy Sims. You could have 8 in there all snoozing away but 4 was the maximum I saw.

If you fancy a short (10 Sim weeks) challenge with an I’m Surrounded By Idiots (ISBI) gameplay, I can highly recommend it.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) Closing Stats and Thoughts (22-May)
« Reply #144 on: May 22, 2023, 01:40:21 PM »
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Judi as in Judi Dench!
117 bathroom accidents sound like a lot, LOL!

As for ISBI-like gameplay, the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty might have been enough for me.
But who knows? The Asylum might be in my future someday.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) Closing Stats and Thoughts (22-May)
« Reply #145 on: May 22, 2023, 03:45:56 PM »
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Judi as in Judi Dench!
117 bathroom accidents sound like a lot, LOL!

As for ISBI-like gameplay, the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty might have been enough for me.
But who knows? The Asylum might be in my future someday.
Oops - those stats aren't right - I'll edit it. It should be 117 pass-outs - so many! But only 12 bathroom accidents - about 1 per 3 Residents