Author Topic: Re: The Acts of Hidden Springs - An Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard  (Read 2411 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Because One Immortal Dynasty is never enough ....

Here is Amos Acts.
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He moved to Hidden Springs with his very large and colourful hat and lots of tats
He wanted to make his own fruit bowl and hold a plum line over the rich and famous
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He heard of a woman who was very green
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Around town with her he was soon seen
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And by day two, she was not only Mrs Acts,
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she was expecting, those are the facts
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And before long she changed her mind
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A solace in painting she did find
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A diet of apples was par for the course
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The Acts got visited by a horse
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While Emmmaline painted all day long
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Amos headed out, is gardening wrong?
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When undertaken at a house across town?
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But he soon turned the Winterly frown upside down
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When he took Adele to dinner, explained to his his plan
And came out with a sculptor and a fisherman
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And the promise of a bride for his future son,
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Now that's the end of chapter one.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: The Acts of Hidden Springs - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2021, 07:07:47 PM »

I loved the rhyming in this chapter, and great start!
they/he pronouns please!

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Offline mpart

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Re: The Acts of Hidden Springs - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2021, 09:56:48 PM »
I love your founder. His outfit is great!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Acts of Hidden Springs - An Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2021, 10:39:05 AM »
Sadly, the store content has gone on me again. So its off to the Graveyard for this, sadly

