We know about the alien + spellcaster conflict.
When RoM was new and exciting, I did the obvious sim challenge of Morgyn Ember having children by abduction. Eventually it worked, and we got twins by abduction. They were non alien, and in some of their features like hair colour favoured Morgyn quite a bit. There wasn't much (any?) noticeable trace of the alien mother. As I said to
@Brian_Z it might be that because of the conflict the game is ignoring the alien parent viz-a-viz genetics, but maybe that was dumb luck. And that's what's being tested here on a larger scale.
The alien chosen man for this experiment has distinctive features, and we'll see if those characteristics tend to turn up together in the alien children, but not the non-aliens. Will the non-aliens basically take after their mothers? Aliens are the common denominator in many sims genetic experiments, so that's why this is here.
The Alien. Searching the gallery for #uglyalien gave me Glogg Mcgogg. I made sure he had a wild hair colour that none of the mothers have, and could only come from him. He has a very small mouth, distinctive nose and chin.

Method.Glogg took his 20k starting funds and built a 64 tile home on Potters Splay, starting in the spring. That neighborhood has an abundance of roses and strawberries, when they're in season. Two reasons. 1: rose bushes can be harvested and flowers sold for the few simoleons he'll need to eat and pay bills. 2: strawberries grow in the spring. For some partners, I'm turning well-known sims into spellcasters. Mila Munch, for example. And we don't want more boys in the Munch household. Girls can also grow up and have a child with Father Winter, and I'm a fan of collecting those traits. His tiny home would also help raise charisma faster (and all other skills) which might be useful in some circumstances.
Roses can also be given romantically to make a girl swoon, but no, this is a test and we ain't got no time for that. For Rapid Romancing, the green alien man created a Get Together club, Loving Alien, with woohoo as a club activity. For science okay? As if you've not done far worse. Eventually, he was romantic with 16 spellcaster women. In a few cases I went to the home lot and gave it the lot trait "on ley line" to hopefully increase the number of births.

The premade spellcasters:
Grace Anansi, Minerva Charm (aged down to YA), Emelia Earnest, L. Faba
The randomly generated spellcasters:
Cynthia Ali, Yang Escobar, Amiyah Torres, Crystal Hood
Premade townies converted to spellcasters:
Lana McKinnon, Meredith Roswell, Geeta Rosoya (aged down to YA, obviously), Mila Munch, Summer Holiday, Bella Goth, Judith Ward, Nina Caliente
Now we wait for nooboos. I'll age them up and take CAS pictures when they arrive. The first one has been born at time of writing, a pure green alien son, Antonio Anansi.