Author Topic: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)  (Read 2478 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« on: November 22, 2021, 08:09:47 AM »
With the 2021 Tournament season now in the books, it's time for the challenge team to look ahead and prepare for the next season. We really want your feedback to make the next season special. The biggest area of concern is scheduling — i.e. the number of events, how long those events are in real time, as well as game time. The tentative plan is a radical departure from what we have done the last few years. For simplicity we are debating simply starting events on the first of every month and ending them the last day of the month with challenges having 3 weeks of game time instead of this years two weeks of game time.

With all events being one month of real time the two Majors would be dropped. I am on the fence with this idea. I have always liked the idea of Majors having double weight for the ranking because it shakes up the scores more given players can drop more poor performances if they participate a lot.

So, let's get some discussion going.

#1 — Take a look at how this year's Calendar of Events were scheduled. Did you like this? Did things come too fast and would you prefer a slower monthly schedule with no Majors?

#2 — How did you like the types of events offered this year? What suggestions can you offer the team for new types of events?

#3 — If you can think of anything else that would improve the 2022 Tournament season we would love your input — the ranking, how much lead time to give players with a new rule set, the rule sets themselves (are they too complicated?), prizes awarded at the end of the season, etc.

Thank you so much!

Offline jesslc

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2021, 12:00:48 PM »
I've been wondering if there's going to be a tournament again next year. It's great to know there will be! :D

If there wasn't, I was thinking about seeing if there's any interest in an unofficial thing based around having a go at past tournament challenges. I've played some of them by myself already but I've still got plenty bookmarked that I'm interested in trying at some point. But official tournament challenges will probably take up all the time I have for sims, so that's a moot point now. (Unless you want to know the past challenges that are on my interest list).

In answer to some of your questions:

I like the majors and I also would prefer a slower monthly schedule. I don't know if it would be possible to manage both. Keep the majors but less other events? Only have one major?

I also think that what you've proposed might not actually be a slower schedule - having a month to play 3 weeks of game time doesn't seem like it'd be that much slower to me than having 3 weekends to play 2 weeks of game time. Personally I don't usually get to play much during the week anyway - Sundays are my main sims time, and it's rare that I'll manage to fit in more than one weekday evening (~2hrs) in a week.

I might be a particularly slow player though. Especially when I have lots of sims in a household.

I liked most of the events I participated in. I discovered new stuff about the game / tried out things I've never tried before in most or all of the events - which is the main reason I like playing challenges.

Personally I tend to prefer challenges where
a) you control a limited number of sims (< or = 4)
b) there isn't a lot of out of game tracking needed

That said, I still played and enjoyed challenges that don't fit these preferences like the big dreams finale. Though it's probably good that it was the last one for the year because I'm definitely over having 8 sims in a household now. Possibly I should have done like I did with the Tastes challenge and just had 6 sims but... It was a major! And a 6 sim household is still pretty slow going for me anyway. Also I couldn't just move someone out at the end of week 1, when I was having some regret over my earlier decision to adopt so many extra sims. Oh well... maybe next time I'll remember that I should stick with less. ::)

I'd prefer slightly longer with the ruleset before a challenge starts. I think you gave us a week but the first part of the week usually overlapped with trying to finish up the end of the last challenge. Frequently I felt like that there wasn't much time or brain power to give to thinking about the new ruleset and questioning or testing stuff before it opened.

I also think longer rulesets could benefit by have the rules broken up into a couple of extra sections. For example the big dreams one - there ended up being a lot of points under the Specific Challenge Rules heading. Breaking it up into a main section and a clarifying points section (or something like that) would probably make the rules easier to take in.

In general though I think the challenge team do a great job and hopefully - assuming my schedule allows - I'll be participating again next year. :)

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2021, 03:09:38 PM »
Just to give everyone a heads member GlazeyLady had a great idea: send all participants of at least one challenge this year a brief survey covering very basic info centered around the annual Tournament challenges. It should take you all of 5 minutes to fill out and it will really help the team move forward in providing top-quality events. Look for that in your forum inbox very soon.

Thanks in advance for completing it and thank you, Glazey. :)

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2021, 02:23:17 PM »
I did the survey, Metro!  I really hope we at least keep the finale as a major because everyone who does the tournament knows that it comes at the end of the year and can clear/plan their schedule for it.  I also think the finale is always so different and interesting.
2016 Renaissance Sim
2017 Do as many aspirations as possible
2018 Museum collections
2019 Bingo (complete different goals across or down or diagonally)
2020 Ghost family
2021 Big Dreams

I have a challenge idea: What about a challenge with the Bust the Dust kit?  We would have to use the filthy trait and have Bob and Eliza clean their house as fast as possible --- and a multiplier for how many weeks/days it took to keep it clean (aka at least no dust bunnies.) Of course, no maid or butler service allowed!

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2021, 03:26:02 PM »
I have a challenge idea: What about a challenge with the Bust the Dust kit?  We would have to use the filthy trait and have Bob and Eliza clean their house as fast as possible --- and a multiplier for how many weeks/days it took to keep it clean (aka at least no dust bunnies.) Of course, no maid or butler service allowed!

A good idea; however, the survey did not cover the really small packs, so we have no how many current players have that one. Thanks for the idea, coolsim and thanks for doing the survey. We've gotten good participation so far since Glazey sent it out.

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2021, 03:31:14 PM »
You're welcome Metro!  I'm glad you liked my idea, but I understand that it was only based on bigger packs.

By the way, I just realized that potions were up for grabs in challenges, and I could have used them in my scoring files. :o Oh well, now I know for next year's tournament season.

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2021, 05:12:34 PM »
I have a challenge idea called "The Great Sim Ice Off" (as in out of the living world): What about a challenge with the Seasons pack?  It would be a speed run. We would have to see how many Sims could become “icicles" in a two week period in winter with weather on, of course!

I PM'd you, Metro, with more details so I don't put anything that doesn't belong on the thread in it.

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2021, 02:45:54 PM »
I just wanted to say "thanks" to all respondents of the survey Glazey sent out (and a big thanks to Glazey for putting it all together). Here's the 2022 plan which encompasses most of the feedback:

** 9 regular events plus a Finale.

** Regular events will start on the 1st of the month and finish on the 3rd Sunday of the month to allow some downtime to practice for the next event.

** The Finale starts October 1 and finishes the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It will count as two events.

** Rulesets will be posted on the 15th before an event goes live (i.e. the January ruleset will be posted on Dec 15th).

Offline SueDenim

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2021, 10:04:04 PM »
I just saw this - so I'm chiming in late:

First, thank you to the tournament organizers!
I really appreciate your dedication, creativity, and inspiration.  It's great to have this to try new things.

I was in and out and in and out and in and out this year due to a lot of things, but I got to try a couple of new challenges that pushed me - and even the ones where I didn't finish the challenge, I got to explore areas of the game that I otherwise wouldn't.  (That's one thing I really like and hope you'll continue - adding challenges that really make use of the releases)

Some other things
* I like the idea of the majors, but if it is something I'm less interested in - I'm not likely to finish it.  (OTOH, if it's one I really like, I really enjoy the extra time to figure it out)
* The Friday-to-Sunday time was confusing for me - but I'm sure I'd get used to it over time.
* Perhaps a longer dynasty challenge might be interesting?  it might be cool to do multiple generations?  it also might not.
* Personally, I tend prefer "do this really really well and/or fast" challenges to "figure out what to do" challenges. But I've enjoyed both.

Offline reggikko

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Re: Looking ahead to 2022 -- We Seek Feedback :)
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2021, 04:46:09 PM »
I didn't participate this year, but I figured I'd chime in anyway. I get very overwhelmed when the challenge needs full households in order to have a competitive score. I greatly prefer challenges focused on one or two Sims. I also like challenges that are fairly straightforward in design, but have some variety in tasks. I can't think of the name of it now, but I loved the challenge where the Sim couple could only make money using one skill per week. I LOVE rags to riches style play, so any challenge with that theme is automatically interesting to me.

