Author Topic: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) COMPLETED  (Read 15602 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Traits and Clues
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2021, 04:57:58 AM »
Ah yes, oh wise @oshizu - the original trait generator from Pinstar! I love it and use it so much that it's actually pinned on my bookmark bar! I am considering using it to add Rapunzel's adult trait but I'm so nervous about her getting one of Nancy's, lol!

The freegan trait has been very useful for Rapunzel as, on a lot with the recycle challenge, she has got many treasures from dumpster diving alongside many gross and unusable stuff. However, if you've played with it, you'll know that she can't ever get a job, not even a freelance one, or join after school activities like scouting without a  deep sense of selling-out. I haven't tried the HoB errands with the freegan trait - that might be interesting...
Anyway I waited until after Rapunzel's exit from The Tower (I don't think that's a spoiler - she's clearly so close...) and then used the cheat mode of full edit to change freegan to creative. I am justifying it by freeganism being something that some people switch in and out of irl from my observations.
Will that be sufficient or do I need to clear something deeper?

Rapunzel will need a job for her next adventure which is still being discussed under high-level security!
Simply to say: Geoffrey is in big trouble at work due to a wanton breach of security, his bosses are circling the wagons to cover their arses (that doesn't make sense...), Malcolm has some serious explaining to do and Nancy will need all her "connections" to get the family through this. Rapunzel will be offered some choices plus some time in which to consider them.

Ah, Duane! I can't quite forget his teen hair-do. But his Island background is very attractive.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) 5.1: A Late Appearance
« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2021, 05:11:59 AM »
Week 5 Summer: Sunday am

Rapunzel: Well, last week went past in a blur. I’m at the start of my 5th week, my 2nd year. It’s like someone pressed pause and fast forward at the same time! FG – what’s the status on my house?
FG: (counting on fingers) Yes, it kinda feels like that in my world too, for about the same amount of time.
Well sweetie, you’ve reached the next stage and…
Rapunzel: (sadly) I know – there’s more.
FG: Yes. House to be worth over $350 and at least 20 columns.
Rapunzel: 20 columns? That’s a bit random. Where can we fit them in? They just get in the way if you don’t have much room – just saying!
FG: Well, now’s probably the time to admit that there’s a basement.
Rapunzel: Basement? Under here? But I’m not allowed down there…
FG: No – but it’s a good thing. All the stuff that we need to get to meet your requirements would just clutter up your accommodation. You may not realise but you’re actually walking on several rugs on top of each other. We could cover the dance floor in the clubhouse but then they wouldn’t dance

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So, eventually I caved in and put some stuff in a basement. It’s in the rules but it just seems a waste.
Rapunzel: So what’s down there? Precious works of art?
FG: Some. And quite a few of your art too.
Rapunzel: Rude!
FG: Sorry, I didn’t mean… never mind. It’s mainly a collection of violins.
Rapunzel: Wow – a collection?
FG: Actually they’re all the same but still – not cluttering up your home.
Rapunzel: House! It's a HOUSE! It’s not my home!


I finally water a load of plants in between telling a lot of jokes which stops me feeling lonely. I still get lonely although I’ve been feeling really mean lately

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I do a load of paintings and sell them, making me just a bit more famous.


I upgraded all the plumbing, except I can’t seem to do the water recycler on the shower
FG: It’s a bug.
Rapunzel: What?
FG: Never mind – I see the weather’s turned hot!
Rapunzel: And not just the weather! Am I guilty of objectifying my club members because I don’t know what they’re like at all but I spend a lots of time thinking about what they look like?
FG: Um – maybe it’s OK in your current situation but maybe not in real life?

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Rapunzel: Oh look, FG! Rahul has finally turned up. He’s a bit late to the party.
FG: Ah well, it’s like this. His family hadn’t actually found a place to live so he’s been busy house-hunting. He’s found somewhere now so he’s got time to come.
Rapunzel: He’s a bit yummy. No, no, NO! Don’t talk to Malcolm! Oh, FG, will I ever get out of here?
FG: Working on it.

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Rapunzel: My spliced snapdragon/strawberry finally gave me a dragonfruit this morning. Into to the planter it goes.
I try hacking my school grades again.
FG: Don’t do it!
Rapunzel: Busted! Right back down to an F. What an idiot. I’m sure Malcolm knows what’s just happened. He’s looking right at me.


I’m the best gardener around, apparently and my dance moves couldn’t be better. Mum invites me to the spice festival where I might have been able to find a dragonfruit without any splicing but, of course, I can’t go.

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She probably doesn’t know that my biography of her “Nancy Landgraab: Fortune Anyway You Can” is my best-selling book, lol! Dad’s biography “Geoffrey Landgraab: The Confused Father” is doing well too. As are my motivational book “Making it Without School” and my exercise books “Get Off the Sofa”, “Workout Like its 1999” and “Training for Escape”.

Week 5: Saturday

FG: Rapunzel, wake up. I think we might just do it today!
Rapunzel: Just a minute. I’m starving – I need breakfast! I’m such a good cook now even though I only like cooking with things I’ve grown or found.
There, what were you saying?
FG: It’s time, Rapunzel. Phone your mum!

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Stats Week 5: Saturday am

End Score:
100 – initial starting point
-34 Day points to Week 5, Saturday am
+70 Skill points (writing/comedy/painting/handiness/gardening/dance/cooking)
+40 Aspiration points (Best-selling Author 4/4; Painter Extraordinaire 2/4; Freelance Botanist 2/4)
+20 Mansion Baron
I'm not 100% sure about the total - I lost track in the middle...

House Tour

Front View
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Back View
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Floor Plan
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Armour & Violin Collection
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The bedroom Rapunzel will never know about
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The last few days went by quite quickly with skilling and watching the money roll in. It would have played out very differently without the money tree but it was fun anyway.

There will be an epilogue. Rapunzel needs some answers: why, how, who, what, will, can?
Why are her/all parents weird?
How old is she?
Who is responsible, as she clearly isn’t? (sniggers)
What are her options?
Will she move back in with her family?
Can she save the world through her art?

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) Exit: Slow Down – Show Down
« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2021, 11:20:12 AM »
Week 5: Saturday am

Rapunzel: Mum? Mum? Who’s that?

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?? (Automated voice): Congratulations on completing the Beta Testing Phase of your project. Please wait for further instructions. (hangs up)
Rapunzel: Well that was weird? What do you make of that FG? FG? She’s gone too? What’s going on? Oh! OH! That gate wasn’t there a minute ago.

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And I’m out of here for real. I don’t know what’s going on but I know exactly what I want to do next!

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That was great but everyone’s leaving – oh – Dad! I can hardly believe you’re here.
Geoffrey: Yes, I’m here, darling girl. How can you ever forgive me?

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Let’s talk. You must have a thousand questions.
Rapunzel: I do. But I don’t know where to start. Nothing has really made much sense since I left with Mum & Malcolm to visit – well – here. Although this house wasn’t here – it was an amazing tower and I went in and the door disappeared and…

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Geoffrey: Well first let me say that I didn’t know that was happening at the time. But I’m still really sorry it did because it was sort of my fault. I’d been working from home and I left the room for a mo and your brother…
Rapunzel: I knew it!
Geoffrey: He was just being a bit silly…
Rapunzel: Silly!
Geoffrey: Well, I’d left the computer logged on and – he signed you up for this Beta Test Project. He must’ve installed a back door on my account because he managed to intercept the acceptance email with all the details.
He persuaded your Mum that it would be a good prank. I really don’t think she knew the full details. I don’t think Malcolm did either.
Rapunzel: Really!
Geoffrey: Anyway – they brought you here and then the project locked you in and took over. When work spotted the irregularities, we got in so much trouble.

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Rapunzel: But why didn’t you get me out?
Geoffrey: Well – this is a top secret project with a lot depending on it. My bosses didn’t want to admit there’d been a breach of security. They pointed out all the waivers that I or rather Malcolm had signed. Ah – here’s your mum!

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Rapunzel: Mum – Dad’s explained but I don’t understand why YOU couldn’t get me out?
Nancy: I am sorry. I was cross about your life-choices, or lack of them, and Malcolm told me it was one of those escape room experiences. You know – just an hour or two! You know how I love my little pranks
Rapunzel: !
Nancy: When I realised how serious it was, all my connections weren’t worth a thing against you know who!
Rapunzel: Well, actually, I don’t know who.
Nancy: You don’t want to know who.
Rapunzel: Maybe I do! But – why all the texts? Why all the phone calls? Why all the invites? Did you think that was just a bit of fun?
Geoffrey: We never sent any texts. We were blocked from your phone so we couldn’t have. The only people who could call were the project managers.
Ah. Maybe it was part of the project. They were keeping all sorts of records of tests and so forth.
Rapunzel: Tests! So I was just a zoo exhibit after all! But you kept coming round – all of you. Even Malcolm

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Nancy: Well – we always knew where you were, although you always seemed to be out. And you’ve got this pool. I must say, you had some nice-looking boys visiting. Do any of them come from good families?
Rapunzel: So you couldn’t see me either? I was here all the time – in a tiny house – caged in! I don’t understand how you couldn’t see me! And no-one aged while I was in there. It was nearly 6 weeks!
Geoffrey: They’ve been working on all sorts of experimental research and with what the people from Sixam are offering…
Rapunzel: Unbelievable! That’s a bit of a lazy plot-device!
So what am I supposed to do now? Just go back to ordinary life? With you & Malcolm.
Geoffrey: There’s some people you need to meet – to debrief, as it were. They’re a bit exercised by your various infractions of the parameters. Don’t worry it’ll be fine.
Yes – you can come home with us but Malcolm won’t be there. He’s – um – having some alone time… It was part of our deal with you know who.

Later that day

Rapunzel: Hello? I think I’m a little lost. My Dad told me to come here?
D: Ah yes – the Landgraab candidate! Go inside and talk with M. She’ll explain everything.

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Rapunzel: Wow! You’re an…
M: Alien, yes. Your Dad told you that we are collaborating on this project. It does have universal implications, after all.
Rapunzel: I don’t understand.
M: You can’t be told everything now but we do have some work to do to overcome the irregulaties of your participation.
Because we thought Geoffrey had applied for you to be part of the project and because we were unaware of the disfunctional nature of your family…
Rapunzel: Disfunctional? OK, I guess that’s fair.
M: we assigned a Watcher with very little experience.
Rapunzel: Watcher?
M: You know her as Fairy Godmother, or FG? Well – the whole money tree situation should never have happened. Your freegan nature will have serious ramifications for our purposes. And the Aging Setting should never have been left in the off position.
Rapunzel: So – not my fairy godmother…
M: Forget about her. She’s been reassigned to the Manual Writing department and she’ll be lucky if it’s not permanent!
Rapunzel: Oh! So what do I need to do?
M: You’ll be assigned a new Watcher, one with more experience. You need to:
  • get your school grades up;
  • get all 5 of your character traits up and
  • build some more skills.
Your new Watcher will help. With your resources, I think you have a decent shot.
Rapunzel: Resources? I don’t have any resources – just my disfunctional family.
M: You have earned over $350k. Use it. Any you don’t need to go back to your family. You’ve proved you can live independently. You’ve got 10 days before you become a young adult. Just make it work!

And Malcolm?

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My apologies for the slightly longer post but I just couldn’t stop in the middle.

The story is not quite over as there are still a few questions to be answered:
Why, when the Landgraabs are so well-known, is Rapunzel never spoken of?
What are the universal implications of this project that’s only in it’s beta-testing phase?
What did Malcolm and Rapunzel look like as toddlers?

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) Exit: Slow Down – Show Down
« Reply #33 on: October 02, 2021, 12:51:57 PM »
Leave it up to Malcolm to throw the proverbial monkey wrench into something. I have enjoyed reading this. This looks like something I might have to try at some point. Thank you for sharing it with us. Good luck with whatever the Landgraabs have coming up next.

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) Exit: Slow Down – Show Down
« Reply #34 on: October 02, 2021, 03:21:16 PM »
Congrats on completing your Room Challenge!!!

i don't know if you plan on using Rapunzel in another challenge, but you can find the cheat for completely removing her Freegan trait below.
(Look under the 'Trait, Reward & Aspiration Reward Cheats' section.)

As you might guess, cheats like the above aren't allowed in the forum's official dynasty challenges.
For Pinstar's legacy, i would instead purchase a Retraiting potion from the reward store.
Removing a trait of a pre-existing sim in CAS will remove the trait from their trait list, but the sim will still feel urges/moodlets from the trait.

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) Exit: Slow Down – Show Down
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2021, 08:45:12 PM »
I didn't know there was a cheat that properly removes traits completely!  What I've done before is instead, cheat the sim 5,000 satisfaction, and buy a Re-Traiting Potion.  The traits you remove after drinking that will be completely gone.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) Exit: Slow Down – Show Down
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2021, 07:52:23 AM »
Thanks for all your kind and helpful comments.
Rapunzel is attempting another challenge so she does need to be careful with the rules! I'd overlooked the retraiting potion as my sims have never used them before.
I'm hoping I will have time to share her transition episode soon before declaring this story complete but today I'm on granny duties irl. Little O has just gone done for a nap.

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) Epilogue: Looking Back and Forward
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2021, 03:53:13 PM »
Week 5: Saturday evening

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Rapunzel: After chatting things through with M I realise I need to think about things. I’m still really mad at Malcolm so, even though Dad says he’s gone away for a while, I do not want to go home. And – I’m rich! I can live anywhere I like and M helps find somewhere: Brindleton Bay on the Sable Square. She even creates this great house called Argento by a designer called DippyDesigns

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I make a start on my new life: jogging and going to the gym and meeting people although it’s a bit weird because I’ve become quite well-known and need to deal with the paparazzi.

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I start doing my homework and some make up homework that the Principal sent. I’m a bit nervous but I do call Club Meetings and meet my team properly. It’s fun to have people round but a bit overwhelming.
I decided that the Freegan lifestyle had good aims but I couldn’t keep to all the restrictions so I concentrated more on my painting and writing.  I have fun making some gourmet dishes and visiting art galleries plus a bit of fishing. I also joined the scouts and got a Gold award.

While thinking about M’s offer, I often find myself reminiscing about my childhood. Malcolm & I are twins but he’s never let me forget that he was born first.

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Mum went back to work as soon as we were born. It was the butler who brought us up – he was lovely.

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Dad spent what time he could with us.

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Malcolm & I got on well enough up until our teens.

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Mum dressed us in really formal outfits and was very ambitious for us. I rebelled through my outfits and Malcolm did other stuff

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I never really thought of us as disfunctional but Mum made all the rules, Dad just kept his head down for a quiet life and Malcolm, well, you know…

Some days later

M shows up. I’ve got my school grade up to an A. I’ve become very responsible with good manners and I know how to control my mood swings. She says I’m ready and that I should bring Corrie with me.

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We go into this huge family residence, home of the Hayward Dynasty, through to science lair at the back. They’ve got a wormhole generator and, without giving me a chance for second thoughts, M sends me through – to Sixam!

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D is there already and gives me some sunglasses to put on – something about needing to remember but everyone else will forget. While she adjusts the wormhole generator, I release Corrie into a little hole and she waves her eyes at me.

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I’m glad she got to go home. I’m not sure of my home-to-be but I’ve got skills! I set my face like flint and step back into the wormhole generator!

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Rapunzel worked on her skills and aspirations. She bought one retraiting potion to change the Freegan trait to Creative.
I couldn’t believe that Nancy had boy/girl twins just as needed for this little re-enactment. I had employed the fertile lot trait and had her watching loads of Kids Network TV but still – a boy-girl set! Toddler Malcolm autonomously played in the toilet as the first thing he chose to do! I did have to encourage Rapunzel to hug him.
I used my unfinished Dynasty household in an alternative simverse to facilitate Rapunzel’s transition to her next project.
As you might remember from her debrief - I was sacked as Rapunzel's Watcher - which is why I'm not have conversations with her in this. I've retired to a nice remote island in Sulani which fortunately has good wi-fi! (I wish!)

Offline Nevermore

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) COMPLETED
« Reply #38 on: October 06, 2021, 03:50:55 AM »
This challenge is amazing! I couldn't stop reading. Read the whole thing in one sitting. Rapunzel is such a fun sim. Great twist with the ending. I didn't see that coming at all.

I'm inspired to try this challenge out myself.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) COMPLETED
« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2021, 05:27:39 AM »
Thank you for reading @Nevermore Do let us know if you have a go and how you get on.
I enjoyed playing it and writing it up. Playing a teen in the room challenge adds quite different stresses - those mood swings. Rapunzel being cheerful did make it easier.

I'm working on a modified ruleset/scoring combining The Wonder Child Project & The Room Challenge but it still needs a few tweaks before it can go public.