Author Topic: Ultimutt Dogtor  (Read 14972 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2021, 06:11:46 AM »
This event is now closed. Grats to mismck on the first win of the 2021 season. Everyone is now free to discuss strategy.

Offline ratchie

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2021, 06:45:09 AM »
Congratulations to everyone. I completely forgot what day it was and thought we had another week left in real time.

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #62 on: January 18, 2021, 07:14:20 AM »
Congratulations to everyone. I completely forgot what day it was and thought we had another week left in real time.


Yeah, the schedule is a little different this year. We've done it the same for so many years I wanted to mix it up a bit. Like today is the typical day (Mondays) when players would be able to start the next event after one closes. But, for the first time, there's a lag with real downtime to allow those who want to to just focus on practicing. I'm hoping it's a good thing.

Offline mismck

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #63 on: January 18, 2021, 07:18:39 AM »
I love that these events test me on parts of game that I typically ignore in my free-play. Since I have never played a vet or really worked with pets before in Sims 4, I did a lot of testing to see what might work the best. The cool thing was that I never got bored with my test files and still had a lot of fun in my game file.

Gus McPaws (Male Human; Aspiration: Friend of the Animals — Bonus Trait: Animal Affection; Dog Lover, Cat Lover, Cheerful) and his wife Saphira McPaws (Female Human; Aspiration: Friend of the Animals — Bonus Trait: Animal Affection; Dog Lover, Neat, Cheerful) moved onto the Empty Lot in Newcrest, Comfy Cubby §1,500. Since they were only going to spend about an hour on the lot, I didn’t want to spend any extra money on anything bigger. (On a side note, I always try to have some fun with the names of my Sims in Events, so Gus is name of my friend’s cat and Saphira is the name of my own cat.)

Aspirations: Change as needed for specific tasks & shop for points periodically. Used the points for some Fun & Hygiene potions and a couple of Moodlet Solver potions.

Clubs: Saphira joined Good Timers for Rally the Troops. Gus created the Vet Club that ran continuously. Saphira was obviously a member and the rest of the spots were filled with whoever struck my fancy at the moment from the list of available targets neighbors. The club activities were Friendly Interactions, Work Out, Play Video Games, Dance, & Clean until the clinic needed to be cleaned and then only Friendly Interactions and Clean. For the most part, the club members kept the clinic clean the whole time. The Vet Skill boost was purchased Sunday night.

Adopting Dogs: In my test files, I would try to only adopt dogs that already had a learned command or that were Smart. In the end, the best time-saving choice for me was to call for the adoption immediately and adopt all 3 dogs without even greeting them or getting to know their traits. I ended up with Spatula (Vocal, Couch Potato, Jumpy), Hilda (Troublemaker, Hunter, Aggressive), and Riley (Playful, Couch Potato, Jumpy) — none of them came with a learned command.

As soon as the dogs were adopted, Gus bought the empty lot next door (Oak Alcove §1,500) for the Vet Clinic. Added lot traits: Study Spot, Training Grounds, Convivial. I built a modest clinic with a waiting room and an exam room — no bathroom, nothing unnecessary. The exam room had the high end equipment: surgery station, exam table, and medicine crafting table. I placed & enabled several of the Time Traveler Reward Plumbob Lamps in the exam room so that the Vets were always Focused.

Before Gus opened the clinic for the first time, he crafted one calming medicine to have on hand. Then he opened for business on Sunday at 9:38AM with 100% Price Markup, Gold Package Advertising, and Standard Supply Quality. Whenever I had 2 or 3 patients waiting, I would click on the podium and Disallow New Customers. When I greeted the last waiting customer, I would click on the podium and Allow New Customers. This kept the wait time down so their rating wouldn’t decline. Carl’s Pet Sicknesses List ( ) was invaluable and as soon as I could deduce an illness, I went straight to the cure, saving time on unnecessary exams.

Clinic Perks: purchased Patient Patients and Unlock Vet Supply Quality (immediately changed Supply Quality to Premium) on Sunday; purchased Reduce Pet Stress on Tuesday.

Unfortunately I couldn’t play my game file all in one sitting and I would close the clinic before quitting. This lost me a little time, but I didn’t want to risk any possible glitches by having the clinic open during a quit and restart.

Saphira’s order of priorities: training the dogs, cleaning the clinic when necessary, and then being a vet if Gus was having issues. She only had to lend a helping hand a few times; the first time was when Meryl, a cat belonging to Stewart Sears, decided that each time he got on the exam table, he would immediately get off and run away and his owner would follow him so Gus couldn’t dismiss him. Saphira treated 4 patients while Meryl was being obnoxious. Gus was finally able to treat Meryl and, miraculously, Stewart gave a 4-star rating.

Saphira would train whichever dog was close to her - there was no rhyme or reason except to try to always be training one of them. At the end of the event, Spatula knew all 8 commands, Hilda knew 7, and Riley knew 3.

Offline ratchie

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #64 on: January 18, 2021, 09:05:04 AM »
@Metropolis Man I think my main problem is that all 4 of my kids are at home as schools are closed and the days have lost all meaning. In my head it's the like the 12th of January.

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2021, 10:35:06 AM »
My strategy was rather simple in this one.
I dont play vets much. So i simply just set up two "work tables" and later a surgery station.
We just tried to get each patient through as fast as possible, and bought the perks i could as soon as i had points enough.

And then i decided against training the dogs, as i thought that might be faster, but sadly not.
Again as i dont play vets enough i didnt know any sicknesses and even though i could have looked them up i spend the time examining the pets.
A much to learn from this, but fun to just jump in and wing it for once.

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2021, 11:39:31 AM »
My couple spent the first 24 hours making a run through the jungle for the cash influx.  Then they bought the existing vet clinic.  Didn't help them with environment score (I was hoping it would), but at least I didn't have to build it.  While he vetted, she trained dogs.  They adopted 3 and then 3 more and lucked into 3 smart dogs.  She focused on the smart ones and all three were able to learn all the skills.  She spent enough time to get 2-4 skills learned on the remaining dogs.  Meanwhile he was treating patients.  In my one and only test, I had him learn the vet skill before opening up, but in the real thing, he just opened up and learned on the job.  He had to close the clinic a couple of times because the pet left the area but he was still waiting.  And then there were the cats that wouldn't stay on the table.  If he couldn't dismiss, then he closed and reopened.  She was in charge of cleaning also.

By the end, once a customer dropped to a 2 from waiting, he didn't bother treating them.  Eventually they would leave.  He only treated them if they were still at a 3 when he was ready for the next patient.  The clinic ended at 3.5 stars, mostly because of the patients that got tired of waiting on left.

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2021, 11:48:44 AM »
My couple spent the first 24 hours making a run through the jungle for the cash influx. soon as I read "run though the jungle" I thought of the great CCR tune. I wonder if John Fogerty has ever played Sims? Lol.

Offline SueDenim

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2021, 12:29:52 PM »
I did the math and figured out that I was probably better off training dogs for a few days than going straight to the clinic, so my sims spent the first two days training dogs (smart dogs learn faster, but the time spent getting smart dogs cancels out the gain in the test run - so they just took whatever the adoption agency brought) and used my favorite method of making money fast: get a club (or two in this case), have the club members spend day and night painting away, sell their artwork.  I kept all of the excellent and masterpiece paintings to decorate the vet clinic.  It took a little over two days, but the multiplier for 6 fully trained dogs basically meant that my score was cut in half.

After the dogs were trained, they both raised their charisma to 5, made calming gel & catnip until their vet skills were at 4, then opened up the clinic.  The walls were decorated with the club paintings. The clubs' activities included cleaning and repairing.  I tried to do the thing where you keep owners out of the clinic space, but I couldn't make that work and let club members in and not lock my pets out.  I'm sure there's a way to do that somehow, but I couldn't land on it.  I only used the surgery station, but I waited until I had a full diagnosis in order to treat (that could have been sped up).

I like the idea of the vet clinic, but it seems to be a money pit and between that and not being able to get 5 stars, I see why I don't play it very much.

Offline Nandarelle

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Re: Ultimutt Dogtor
« Reply #69 on: January 23, 2021, 05:23:57 PM »
Congratulations, mismck, on a well-deserved win!

And thanks for the challenge team for always making us explore different part of the game. It was my first time playing as a vet, and I had a lot of fun.

I adopted two dogs right at the start, and then started my clinic.
It was just a box with a single room (apart from two small bathrooms) that was waiting room, exam room and club house in one.
I opened the clinic right away. My Sims worked on the skill when there were no customers, but that was not much time. I spent a little bit of time teaching tricks, but decided that the time doing that was better spent helping clients - not sure that was actually true.
I set the price at the lowest, and as soon as I could, I set the medicine quality as the highest. The pet disease list in the guide was invaluable, but it didn't always make sense to me what symptom I could find with what action.
I also had cleaning as a club activity, but did not get as much help from the club members as I had hoped for. For needs, I used rally the troops, with occasional produce eating, and the crystal crown for hygiene, fun and social.
It took me a while to realize I should stop allowing new customers when it got too crowded. I had a few unhappy customers because they had to wait and the room got dirty - and that's too much going wrong. If they only had one of these negative opinions, my good service and low prices usually got them to level 4 anyway.
Towards the end I got better at managing the patient flow and everyone stayed happy while my Sims also stayed busy.

