Author Topic: Kiwa Immortal Dynasty  (Read 2377 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Kiwa Immortal Dynasty
« on: July 29, 2021, 07:51:21 PM »
Sims - the Sunset Valley Edition
These are the adventures of the Kiwa (extended) family
Our ongoing mission ...
To achieve immortality
To supermax skills and complete black ops
To boldly succeed where the watcher has failed so many times before

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Left to Right are 'Chief Engineer' Rujo Kiwa, 'Captain' Agnes Kiwa and 'Chief Science Officer' Christopher Steel

But let's go back a week earlier where something happened that has happened so many times before ... a sim went to the house of one Agnes Crumplebottom and wined and dined her and convinced her to marry him and sell her car (and to paint portraits, learn how to sculpt and how to photograph).
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While Agnes painted portraits and learnt sculpting and photography, Rujo went on the hunt for new crew members and also a better camera ... the game assigned Christopher Steel as the Consignment Store Clerk. But Christopher was also a sim who loved to hear Sue Scott perform.
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A decent camera was acquired from Mr Steel and Rujo discussed fishing with him and convinced him that he had so much more to offer the valley as a fisherman and gardener than as a consignment store clerk.
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Christopher agreed with him and joined the Kiwa household ... or he just wanted to get out of the garden.

The household needed a back up to Aggie and Christopher wanted a wife and so he went to the Elixir Consignment store and purchased a super duper friendship potion (the one that makes instant best friends) and went to visit a recent high school graduate and next door neighbour, Holly Alto.
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One super duper friendship potion and visit to the diner later ... and the big three became the big four.

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Aggie, Chris and Rujo in their 'Sim Trek' 'uniforms'

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Holly not in her 'Sim Trek' 'uniform' ... but she'll be getting a Deanna Troi inspired 'dress'.

Who is our founder?
Rujo Kiwa - he wants to be a descendant of Da Vinci and is supermaxing Sculpting (along with maxing the sculpting self employment career).
Traits are savvy sculptor, artistic, nurturing, family orientated and great kisser.
Life Time Wish - Descendant of Da Vinci
Supermax Skill - Sculpting
Maxed Career - Self Employed Sculptor
Black Ops - An Old Ruse, Help the School, Interior Decor, ?, ?, ?
Best Friends - Christopher Steel, Holly Steel, Aggie Kiwa, ?, ?, ?
LTRs - Artisan Crafter, Fireproof Homestead, Collection Helper
Museum Pieces - Young Adult: Portrait, Photograph, Sculpture; Adult: ?, ?, ?; Elder: ?, ?, ?
Property Owned - Sunset Hill Springs (Fully Upgraded)
Building Owned - Fortune Telling Hut (Fully Owned)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Kiwa Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2021, 03:55:23 AM »
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Apparently the unicorn appreciates and approves of the improvements that Rujo made of the Sunset Hill Springs ... one has started to appear there, not long after he purchased and upgraded it.

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The improvements above ground (yes, I go very minimalistic with such things)

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And below ground (ok Sims 3 don't count all in one bathrooms as sinks or toilets ... just don't expect Sims will be able to use what you want me to put there as sinks and toilets).

In my previous post, I promised you Holly in a Deanna Troi inspired 'uniform' ... here she is:
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She's standing in front of some of her artworks.

Firstly Aggie and then Holly fell pregnant, all on the one day and so they went to the hospital to give birth.

Aggie and Rujo had a little fellow that they named Tojo
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Yes, he's an Orion!

While Holly and Chris had a little lass that they named Elsie
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She is not an Orion.

To get away from the crying, and wailing and gnashing of teeth (and that was just Aggie), Chris headed out nightly for fishing.
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Rujo stayed home and provided nooboo care so that Aggie could focus on her sculpting and Holly could work getting to painting Portraits.
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And was the one to take his heir to his cake
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After Tojo's birthday, it was Elsie's turn, and her mother, Holly did the honours ...
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Tojo wanted to be just like mummmy, entered the command track and posed for his photograph in the classical toddler fashion.
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While Aggie worked on Tojo's museum pieces and Holly continued her work on getting to Portrait painting levels in her painting, daddys Rujo and Chris taught Tojo and Elsie their essential toddler skills.
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Rujo found time to head down to Sunnyside Strand Beach and use the equipment there to reach level 10 painting and inventing after he supermaxed sculpting ... completing his ltw and proving himself to be a descendant of Da Vinci.
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Chris stocked his home pond with Deathfish, Angelfish and Alley Catfish for the funfilled life of a future immortal.
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We leave the Kiwas and the Steels there as we fly on to other adventures.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Kiwa Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard please
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2021, 06:17:30 PM »
Ok, with all of my troubles with store content and moving the sims game to my D drive and trying to set up symbolic links, it appears that I've managed to delete all my saved games and screen shots.

So please, move this story to graveyard.

