Author Topic: Rules: New World Every Month - New Photo Every Week - Same Sim Everyday  (Read 1849 times)

Offline Noyo

  • Llama Wrangler
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Hi forum moderators and legacy – challenge creators; simmer friends; forum members; first of all, thanks sincerely for your work – sacrifice done for simmers, challenge, legacy players. Without your effort for challenges – legacies – stories etc., Sims 4 would be a dull, empty game for me, really appreciated.

Currently playin SimTech Dynasty, Power of 10 and Immortal Dynasty since 10 – 15 days. Have an idea, a personal challenge: (Well, inspired off Karababy52’s challenge on Sims 4 forums, wanted to join to EA - Sims forums to participate, couldnt login because of a stupid error – never resolved.)

My challenge – personal one, is based that “One Month One Sim One World” sthing like that challenge. Start 1st April,(fools day), ends new year day, 31 December.

Fun will be over achievement, no score(or optional, if u prefer to record a score); just aspirations, relationships, skills, jobs, collections, parties and some creative personal stories is emphasized, on first place. Sharing stories and Sims experience rather than competition, unlike our forum’s yearly (monthly challenges)

Simple rules: (Update is quite possible, through your comments and information)

-   Create a Teen, any lifestate. Create one pet in CAS, if you like to.
-   Set: Aging: OFF For All. (Age up available to good friends, lovers once your sim is YA and theyre teen’s) Autonomy: On – Full. Check fill empty homes: Optional. Seasons: 28 days, Rain, snow and weather effects on. Blizzards – storms optional. Other packs (Get Famous, Eco Lifestyle, Bust the Dust, etc.) content are optional.
-   School & Jobs at Start: Aim for A grade, skip some school days, completely ignore school – skip homework, Scout – Drama club, part time jobs, all player’s choice.
-   Clubs: As a teen, you can’t create clubs but you can join to an existing one. At YA stage, once u got an university degree, u have permission to create a club. All club’s content are free to play.
-   Worlds – house – buildings – manage households etc. - : The idea is, move in to a World, then stay – live there for a real life month. I aim to start Glimmerbrook for April, age up to YA then Britechester. Visiting some YA townies and Britechester library to get to know Sim's next World, is free. You can’t visit worlds if you did not live there before. You can visit a few community lots in your next month’s World. For example; if ure on 4th month on challenge, you can visit previous World your sim lived in first 3 months. (Glimmerbrook, Britechester, Evergreen Harboor in my game, i hope) One of few limitations in this challenge, travelling – visit worlds and lots. You can add a park, museum, bar, restaurant, spa and gym to your starting World. Editing community lots (adding microphone, easel, dj stand, Bookshelf etc.) is free. Maxiscreator and carlsimsguide created lots are free to download from the gallery. You can add 3 – 4 beautiful – handsome townies to existing households, but personal traits must be randomly chosen.
-   Move in – Move out: First real life month, sim will live as teen, no additions to household, no helpers, no npc, no roommate. 2nd month, if u move to Britechester, then roommates are available. Once you get an adult job, career, freelance career or odd job’s chaser; friends and lovers as additions are free game. Ask to move in or marriage are the ways of household additions, plus adoption and birth’s, of course.
-   Starting funds: i plan to start off hundred (100) simoleons right after moving to an empty lot. (except mailbox) Start with 20k simoleons, set to a reasonable amount at your very first morning (7.5 k, or 10k),is free, your choice. Unique limitation set about starting funds – simoleons: Carrying household Money over next month is banned. And naturaly no kaching, no motherlode.
-   Holidays: Permission to one custom holiday per 2 weeks. Popup holidays are completely optional, cancel these or celebrate these.
-   Banned gameplay content: i believe “Copypasto” spell of spellcasters destroys the whole balance, meaning of The Sims gaming. So, Copypasto is banned. Rest of spellcaster, vampire, alien, mermaid, clubs, festivals, tiny house, lot traits stuff, wishing well,  are all fair game.
-   Cheats & mods: Cheats banned. Exceptions: Sims stuck cheat. Aging up your townie teen friends. Setting starting Money. (Never higher than 20k). im not an expert of mods, currently just using 2 mods, logos for clubs and holidays. i suggest cosmetic modes. Free to use mods, as longs as its not been considered as cheat – exploit.

Personal challenge idea:

-   One screenshot with an info, and/or comment, mini story; every real life day or week, on this topic.
-   i plan to agingup to young adult in 2nd month, 4t month to adult, last month to elder, as retirement time, resting era. Since aging is off all the time, no rush, no limitations, no competition’s.
-   Adding aspirations completed, good friends, pet friends, complete collections, max.ed skills, degrees, careers, crafted masterwoks (bestsellers, masterpieces, perfect plants, outstanding meals, etc.) to the screenshots and ministories is encouraged. (it adds classical challenge taste to this funny (or “so called funny”) activity.
-   My motivation to create this challenge: in The Sims 2, i still remember my very first poor sim created has failed miserably at every thing; skills, career, friendships, even got sick, ill. Resurrected her in Sims 4, for immortal dynasty(ambrosia eating) challenge, then the idea of playing this unforgettable sim until the end of year, every occasion i get. im well aware of my weaknesses, cant promise to upload a screenshot, mini story every 24 hours, but im willing to try at least once – twice – thrice per week.

Thanks for reading, thanks in advance for your comments, questions, suggestions and support. Hope to start at 1st April. :)

Offline Noyo

  • Llama Wrangler
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  • Posts: 49
Re: New World Every Month - New Photo Every Week - Same Sim Everyday
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2021, 08:47:20 AM »

Time to add a simple score system now:

-   2 Major restrictions in this “semi-challenge”: 1-) Switch between 2 worlds for 1 real life – real time month, no visits to other worlds (except completed ones in past months. And adding museum, gym, bar, aspiration related buildings allowed)

 2-) Pick 2 aspirations and switch between 2, until one is completed. (Example: Picked Bestselling Author and Joke Star at start, completed Bestselling Author, now taking – picking 2 more, 2 new aspirations is allowed. Could be “Joke Star – Friend of the World – The Curator” for example. Complete another one, unlock, pick and switch freely to two more aspirations. İ hope its clear. These restrictions adds a bit “challenge” taste.
-*- Total numbers of aspirations completed per month, might be restricted, for example to 6 or 7. Considering we have 9 months to play and 40+ aspirations.-*-

Score system: (roughly made, work in progress, expect updates soon)

Basicaly, point and score for most actions you do in the game:
-   Aspirations: 100 points. (Optional: 15 and 25 for first two milestones, then 30 for last two milestones.) 50 points for childhood aspirations.
-   Max.ed careers: 100 points.
-   Max.ed skills: 100 points. 5 levels skills ar efor 50 points. Pet training is exception, has a 0.2 multiplier bonus, lvl 5 Pet Training is 60 points then.
-   Collections completed: 50 points. --- x 0.1 (or plus %10) bonus for My Sims trophies, postcards, Snow globes.
-   University degrees: 50 points. (% 10 – 20 bonus for distinguished, with honors)
-   Eco footprint green on your lot: 25 points.
-   Good friends: 10 points. ( x 0.2 bonus for Elders, Dogs and Cats.)
-   Scouting Aptitude badge – trait: 10 points.
-   Worth 2 points: Highest quality items crafted. (For meals, impeccable. +1 bonus for Bestseller Fantasy, Children’s, Sci-Fi and Mystery novels. Masterpiece Pop- art paintings. Perfect quality Apples, Berries, Cherries, Pineapples. Excellent Dragon, Horse sculptures. Pristine Flower Arrangements, Top quality fabrication products, knitting ones, etc. Bonuses will be updated)

2 points interactions: Respectful introductions. Friendly introductions to pets.
Winning games. Basketball, cards, chess, darts, dont wake llama, fussball, video console games, kicking soccer ball over 50s, or 80s. Spellcaster duels, vampiric spars and Neighboor Brawl’s won. (2 point bonus for winning brawl’s againts evil – mean townies.)
Karaoke prize – talent Show event – video game tournament. (1 point for 2nd, 3rd place)
Angry, Bored, Embarrassed, Sad, Tense emotions whims satisfied. (Unique) (3 points for Dazzled whims)
Give gifts.
Tell succesfull stories. (Funny, group, engaging, unbelievable, etc. To unique sims and townies) – 2 point bonus for stories told on campfire light.
Honey collected.
Guitar songs. DJ machine, computer, toilet(bidet) upgrades.
Walk dog action. (Might worth with a x 2 bonus, considerable) 😊
Gold parties and dates. (Unique ones, dates unique partners) – 2 points bonus for a Charity organisation(fundraiser, pristine reputation unlocks) gold party.
Per 100 k simoleons in household. (Who cares about simoleons…)
Autograph signed by 4+ star celebrities.
Arcade machine, play soccer as club activities.
Writing on journal first 4 levels.
Full night sleep. (Worth golden in real life)

Penalties: Minus 10 points for everyday lived as spellcaster. For other life states, not sure yet, undecided. Vampires with “Child of the moon” and “Sun resistance” may get minus 5 points penalties each.
Minus 25 points for Rally the Troops club perk, Steel Bladder, Forever Full, Never Weary, Forever Fresh, Needs No One reward traits.
Minus 1 point every lot trait switch, includes adding traits to community lots.

Score system (specialy 5 and 1 points ones) and penalty rules – score will be added and updated this month. Allready many details added, more to come. More i pla, more ill remember to add an action, item etc. to system. Possibly i miss, forgot a lot and a couple of packs (Spa Day, Strangerville, Star Wars, Laundry day, Paranormal, etc.) are missing. Have complete collection expansions, however few experience on Last 3 – 4 EPs: Eco Lifestyle, Island Living and Snowy Escape. Not completed a single aspiration, skill yet.

At “fools”, “prank” jokesters day, time to start with our hopeless teen then…

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