Author Topic: Cloning Objects For Dummies  (Read 44389 times)

Offline Gheez

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Re: Cloning Objects For Dummies
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2011, 01:56:30 PM »
Hi Leto, I've just gone back into the game to check.

I have WA, Ambitions and Late Night.  I am patched up-to-date. I have free items from the Store and some bought with Simpoints. I do have some custom hair, clothing, patterns and objects but there are no game mods in use and I did not use the cheat panels - ctrl shift c - at all.

The chest in my current/test game is Jiangzhou's Chest. It was purchased in China.  I use it to store books, jewels, relics, scrap, the tent, fruit and dried food. For the test, I also placed my sim's skill certificates in the chest and went to the bookstore and purchased one of every kind of book available.  My chest stored novels, novels written by my sim, skill books, recipes, score music, children's books and fishing books.

I put the books in the chest by using the command 'open' when clicking on the chest and then dragging the books from the sim's personal inventory into the chest.

I tested twice. First, I went to Edit Town and evicted my sim.  Saved the lot (with chest) then placed the lot twice, once as residential and once as a park. The chest was available and complete on both the new lots.

Next, I put the full chest into my sim's family inventory. Got him to move to an empty lot. Removed the chest from his family inventory and placed it on the ground. Then sold the lot, choosing 'sell furniture', and moved to another house. Went into 'edit town' and saved the lot with just the chest.  Then placed it, both as park and as 'house'.  Again, the chest had all the books, etc.

I then realised that, in my original lot, there was no bookcase; so I wondered if that was why you couldn't store books - because you already had a bookcase? - so, I purchased a bookcase.  However, even with a bookcase in the house, I was still able to store books in the chest.

Sorry that this is such a long-winded reply.  I have no idea why I can store books and you can't. Looking at your first post, though, you mention just WA and Ambitions - maybe the difference is Late Night?  Or are there possibly different sorts of chest?  Failing that, I notice that different bugs and glitches seem to affect different people - maybe this is such a case - though I'm not sure if it is you or me who has glitch.