Author Topic: Community Marketplace Foodstalls  (Read 7564 times)

Offline Nan Roberts

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Community Marketplace Foodstalls
« on: September 08, 2020, 06:07:41 PM »
I used a Gallery Community Marketplace with food stalls, but vendors never show up and there are no options by clicking on the food stalls. So I'm guessing I have to determine the hours of operations for these objects, but don't know where to do that. I've met all the Requirements of the lot, but when I go to save and leave, I get a message that my venue is incomplete and do I want to exit anyway. Can anyone tell me how to get the food stalls to work and why I'm getting this message?


Nan Roberts

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Community Marketplace Foodstalls
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2020, 04:10:53 AM »
The message you're getting is because to be complete, a community lot has to have all 4 phases complete.  The 4 phases are unimproved, maker's space, community garden, and marketplace.  Each phase has its own requirements-- the marketplace must have 2 vendor tables, for example.  The one I found in the gallery had only the unimproved phase done, I don't know if it was just unfinished, or if that's what happens with a gallery download.  Build mode will have the 4 phases as buttons you can cycle through, in the drop down menu you get if you click the lot info bar in the upper left.
Have you voted in the marketplace for your community lot?  I don't know if a food stall would be staffed, if the lot was still in unimproved phase.

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Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Community Marketplace Foodstalls
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2020, 01:54:12 PM »
Something else I've noticed.  If you've got the community lot voted in as a marketplace, there seems to be a limit of 4 vendors at a time.  I have 3 tables and 2 food stalls.  If 3 people turn up to sell at the tables, only one stall gets staffed.  If both stalls get staffed, there will only be 2 vendors at the tables.  So if you have lots of tables, you might be getting 4 sims staffing the tables and now nobody left for the food stall.

Offline scoed

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Re: Community Marketplace Foodstalls
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2020, 06:57:05 AM »
Sadly each phase is its own build in the gallery, so you have to download each phase separately, and if you are a builder you must upload each phase separately. annoying. I was building a community lot that each of its four lots would have different skills you could work on, representing all skills in the game on different phases. Also each phase was livable as well meaning all needs could be met. Plus all packs would be represented in some way in some phase. But the build only made sense as a whole, as each phase was lacking without the others. So I was making it to uploaded as a tribute to the game as a whole, but a quarter of a build is not complete, and there was no way to link them in the gallery, so I abandoned it. Will not waste my time on a project that can't be made whole.