These choices all have U processors. From my understanding U processors aren't made for gaming.
Without getting too technical, they make the U (Ultra-low-voltage) processors to save energy/electricity to help save battery life. But they do this at the expense of the processing power games need. So it makes for a not so good gaming experience.
It looks like only one of them had a dedicated video card which is better to have when you're wanting to play games. As shared graphics may or may not run games well.
It may sound like I'm talking these laptops down. I don't mean to be. I've tried a laptop that could only do med settings (graphics/processor wise) before and it was pretty painful and made me want something better. Later I got a better laptop and couldn't be happier as it has better gaming performance, better dedicated graphics and don't have to worry so much about burning up the internal parts.
If you would like to get a 2nd opinion, please ask about the laptops over at EA's AHQ's Sims 3 Tech Help Board. They will definitely be able to help you pick or find a laptop that will be better suited for games.
AHQ's Sims Tech Help Board: in with your EA account, click the New Topic button, up near the top of the board, to make a new post.