The Evolution of Carrs(A postscript for anyone who's interested in the family genetics – that's probably just me then
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I don't think I'd ever noticed her in profile before taking this CAS screenshot. That's a weirdly tiny nose I gave her.
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Jaycen's only contribution to the Carr gene pool was his eye colour. Austin's original hair colour (before I modified it slightly) was the lighter random greenish-brown. Otherwise, both sons were sex-swapped clones of Minnie.
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VW inherited Jaycen's eye colour and Minnie's eye and brow shape but the rest of her features came from her mother. I was disappointed that Mercedes didn't pass on her colouring, particularly that blue-black hair. Instead, VW, like her dad, got random greenish hair (the darker shade this time) and had it adjusted early in life.
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Portia was the third generation in a row to be born with an unexpected hair colour, although not one I recognise from other games. It certainly didn't come from the Carrs or the Gilberts. Otherwise, she's mostly a copy of VW, although Riley did pass on his mouth shape (which looks very different on a female face), skin tone and eye colour.
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Nio (without his shades for once):
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Morgan inherited his hair and eye colours from Grandma VW, his eye and brow shape from Nio and everything else from Portia.
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Opal passed on her red hair to her son (yay!) and also her face shape. Ford's eye, nose and mouth shapes all came from Morgan, with Nio's eye colour putting in another appearance.
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Apart from her random deep-black hair (what is it with this family and random hair colours?) Lotus was a female clone of Ford.
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Rolls Royce inherited his mother's hair colour, Ford's skin tone and Kia's eye colour (I was glad her genes didn't disappear entirely) but all of his features came from Ajeet, making him pleasingly different from the rest of the Carrs.
Rolls Royce:
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I'm almost tempted to carry on and see what would happen with further generations, but that way lies madness (and a completely broken game file – it's very slow and buggy as it is). So this is