@ Highlander thanks for the "heads up".. Like you, I am too a "habitual" gardener in the game..Another reason not to buy Seasons
I was late into Sims 4 as had been trolling around 'teh forums' and saw all the problems fans were having with the game and loving the game in Sims 3 despite all the routing issues having constantly having to move my main family, losing relationships and family trees once "master controller" was lost..
I have posted under yours re "fungal fertilizer" and the properties of ]Dragon Fruit which I believe is the best fertilizer ~
Maxis "dropped" a fully-fledged Alien into my Willow Springs, Daisy Hovel, who had the, "Freelance Botanist" Aspiration.
I got him married to my family's ex NPC nanny who came in with both Piano and Violin maxed out (go figure) and a level 6 Cooking skill (her name was a Wiki something and I was interested to see if perhaps she was a 'child of the Islands' ~ despite having an Island Surname was very Caucasian in looks, but walked like a gorilla (lol)- nothing that a trip to CAS couldn't fix.. hate that stupid gait .. (Have a whole dorm in uni that walk around like that, fix them all up with a shift-click and after some rotational play come back and they are back to their original orangutan ways). The new patch was meant to "fix " CAS ..Mmm ..I digress
My Alien [Freelance Botanist couldn't /wouldn't catch fish or frogs threw a hissy fit every time he emptied the trash..(he was "squeamish")
Once he had completed his "Aspiration" of Free-lance Botanist and was a "Stay at Home Dad" to their blue-skinned daughter who transformed into a Child with black hair and a 'fro hairstyle (Mum is a natural blonde and he is Alien bald ?) ~ genetics ?
He had completed his plant collection thanks to my level 9 Astronaut next door and some surreptitious "pinching" and swapping between the two gardens (The advantages of "rotational play")
Poor Wiki was still at a level 4 line cook (despite level 9 cooking) but thanks to Dragon fruit early, he "arrived" with level 5 gardening, they are sitting pretty with a second floor fitness center sauna and yoga/mediation deck, a basement for the games and her cupcake baking and 200 000 + in the bank, she completed her Aspiration of Mansion Baron in Daisy Hovel!
He then rolled the dice to become a fisherman with his love of outdoors trait! Squeamish fisherman ..I don't think so. (lol) Maxis