I am not a Mac user, so if you need more help, clarification or feel like getting another opinion, please post your question over at the
AHQ's Sims Tech Help Board (Mac):
https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-Mac/bd-p/The-Sims-MacHowever, here is some information:
The lastcrash files can be deleted. If you would like to learn more about what can be safely deleted, please refer to this article by Crinrict. -
https://sims4.crinrict.com/eng/2014/09/user-files-explained/Regarding your saves, (assuming you have the saves folder backed up at least for temporary) you can safely delete all the .ver files. As these are backups of your main save file.
For example:
Slot_00000002.save (Main/Newest Current Save)
Slot_00000002.save.ver0 (Backup 0) - Newest backup to the main save.
Slot_00000002.save.ver1 (Backup 1)
Slot_00000002.save.ver2 (Backup 2)
Slot_00000002.save.ver3 (Backup 3)
Slot_00000002.save.ver4 (Backup 4) - Oldest backup
More information on how Saves work, please see post linked below:
How Does the Saves Work?:
https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/forum/index.php?topic=21519.msg387147#post_HDSWThe best way to prevent tons of save files filling up your saves folder is to go through that folder from time to time and delete any that you don't play anymore.