My Sim Riley is in the Chef branch of the base-game Culinary Career. He has Cooking mastered, and Gourmet Cooking mastered as well. He is at least Friends with all of his coworkers. He has purchased the Entrepreneurial Trait with Satisfaction Points. I am sending him to work solidly in the green on all motives, in a strong positive mood (usually Inspired), with his daily tasks complete.
Once he's at work, I hit J to observe his performance. I can shop among Work Tones, and generally hit on one that shows it's acting to improve performance - the white arrow at the deep green end of the performance bar blinks at me, and the meter creeps slightly to the right. Then, after maybe 20-40 Sim minutes, the arrow disappears, and I have to change tones again to get it back, and get the meter to creep s-l-o-w-l-y to the right a tiny amount. Then it stops, the arrow vanishes, and I need to find a productive tone.
Riley has been at Level 9 Culinary for at least 4 Sim weeks, and is only just edging into Excellent on the Job Performance meter. His spouse has long since maxed the Style Influencer career in the Trend Setter track, and receives pay raises almost daily.
Is there a hidden skill requirement for Culinary 10 Celebrity Chef? I can't believe that performance increase is intentionally this slow, when all listed requirements are met. Has anyone else run into this or, better, found a good solution? I very much prefer not to cheat up career levels. Earning them through play is what I especially enjoy.