After eight generations, I'm seeing three immortals related to the nanny career.
My first nanny (always an elder) retired long ago but continues to live on.
My second nanny is so annoying that I had a vampire in my household turn her very recently. Now she's stopped showing up when we hire a nanny.
However, she still continues to phone household members day and night, inviting them out inappropriate outings.
No, my teen can't go out for a brunch date with you!
Now a third nanny shows up to replace the ex-nanny vampire.
've tried and failed to eliminate a tragic clown by drowning, but she died later in a fire.
Question: Can one of these immortal nannies die? Yes, I can test nanny immortality myself, but I am asking to save time and wasted effort.
I'm also curious if anyone else has tried.
@scoed comes to mind, hehe.
If anyone's curious, I'll be happy to post my results.