Have you ever wondered why your grass looks "flat": not detailed, fake? Well, there is a reason why it looks different. The solution is in game options, you should turn Advanced Rendering on, in addition change some Graphic settings. As you realize, this will slow down your game quite a lot. But you do want the grass to look nice, don't you?
There is a way of fixing the problem without Advanced Rendering.
Here are the instructions by Rockermonkey999, posted on the official forums. It requires tweaking a system file, so
you may use it at your own risk. Also, before patching you need to undo everything. I recommend to backup your "The Sims 3" folder (found in (My) Documents/Electronic Arts) before the process, in case you mess up anything. It's simple, but still.In case the official site is down for maintenance, I'm posting the instructions here too.
- Go to your latest EP/SP folder.
- Go to Game, and then Bin.
- Find the GraphicRules.sgr file, make sure to back it up(for if something goes screwy, or there's a new patch).
- Open the original file with Notepad.
- At the top of the window press Edit, and then Find. Type in 'advanced'
- It will be the first click. It should read:
option AdvancedRendering
setting $Off
prop $ConfigGroup RenderForceMinspecShaders 1
prop $ConfigGroup TerrainLODMode 1
prop $ConfigGroup RenderPostProcessEnabled false
prop $ConfigGroup RenderShadowsEnabled false
prop $ConfigGroup CullUndergroundBuildBuyStructures 0
setting $On
prop $ConfigGroup RenderForceMinspecShaders 0
prop $ConfigGroup TerrainLODMode 0
prop $ConfigGroup CullUndergroundBuildBuyStructures 0
The 1 that I bolded will be turned into a 0, in the end it should look like this:
option AdvancedRendering
setting $Off
prop $ConfigGroup RenderForceMinspecShaders 1
prop $ConfigGroup TerrainLODMode 0
prop $ConfigGroup RenderPostProcessEnabled false
prop $ConfigGroup RenderShadowsEnabled false
prop $ConfigGroup CullUndergroundBuildBuyStructures 0
setting $On
prop $ConfigGroup RenderForceMinspecShaders 0
prop $ConfigGroup TerrainLODMode 0
prop $ConfigGroup CullUndergroundBuildBuyStructures 0
Save it, and you're done!