This laptop isn't recommended for a few reasons. U processors aren't made for gaming. There isn't a dedicated graphics to help run the game well enough and the hard drive is fairly small. They lack adequate cooling needed to play games, as playing games make laptops run hot and could damage computer parts inside the computer.
You want something that meets or exceeds the recommended specs for the game as the game is not finished yet. EA/Maxis will offer more packs and mandatory game updates, plus Origin updates as well. These updates can sometimes make it to where the game will not work on the computer anymore.
Recommended Laptop Specs:
Processor : i5 or i7 HQ or MQ quad core
Video card : Nvidia GTX 960m or better (GTX 1050, 1050ti or 1060)
computer ram 8GB
hard drive space at least 500 GB
windows 64 bit
Look for an Intel i5 or i7 quad core processor which will end in HQ or MQ after the series number
For laptops - a cooling mat (even if the laptop will be used on a desk).