Thousands of years after the first Sim Empire was destroyed, a new similization was rising on the barren plains that used to be Oasis Springs.
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It began with two crazy kids in love, Remus and Romula. They both loved the outdoors and wanted a family.
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Remus took his task of bread-, I mean fish-, winner seriously.
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He brought home goldfish to roast over their small campfire.
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Their home had all the modern conveniences, like a bush that required frequent fertilization.
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Also a pool, whose murky green water suggested a high algae concentration.
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Strange creatures inhabited the desert, but Romula and Remus managed to stay on peaceful terms with their neighbors.
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While they ate, they would discuss their plans for the future. "I think we should have a boy first, no, a girl, no, maybe a boy would be better. What do you think, dear?" Remus didn't have any opinion, except that it might be nice to have no children for a while. That was going to prove impossible, though, unless the two of them quit having fun. "Whichever you think best," he stammered.