Author Topic: Flower arrangements (scents)  (Read 34180 times)

Offline callycat

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Flower arrangements (scents)
« on: June 23, 2018, 08:21:41 AM »
There are a lot of flower arrangements, but the 'Scent with' and 'Scent with Rare Flower' options are the most interesting part. They are available for arrangements of Excellent quality (and presumably higher, I haven't seen any yet). The flowers for this must be in the sim's inventory, not stored in the bench.

When giving arrangements as a gift, the giver may also receive Happy +1 for 2 hours (Giving Spirit) and the recipient Happy +1 for 2 hours (Generous Surprise!) as well as any other effects listed for specific arrangements.

Arrangements degrade with time, from Pristine when first made to Normal after 24 hours, and Wilted after 48 hours. Effects from scents seem to stop working when they become Wilted, based on testing the Bee-friending effect only so far.

If you've spotted anything else, feel free to shout up! (Additions from replies marked with *, more details can be found in the thread).

Scent with:

Bluebell – Timelessness
Arrangements scented with Bluebells don't degrade, or at least not that has been reported so far.*
No effect when giving as gift to giver or recipient for me, but that may have been because of vampire sim or my age settings.

Chrysanthemum – Friendship
Has smiley faces floating away from it. Gives Full of Friendship option, happy+ 2 for 2 hours (Flowers Full of Friendship). My sims also chose to hug when it was around but that could be coincidence.
Given as a gift, the giver gets Confident +1 for 2 hours (The Gift of Flowers) and the recipient gets the Flowers Full of Friendship moodlet above.

Crocus – Bee-Friending
Grey mist/smoke effect with bees buzzing around. No menu option. After experimentation, can safely say it keeps bees calm when placed near the hive.
No specific effects seen on giver or recipient when given as a gift.

Dahlia – Mourning
Has a black rain cloud over it, and I think thunder sound effect came from it. Menu option Weep From Beauty, gives Sad +3 for 2 hours (Moved by Beauty).
Given as a gift, the recipient gets the Moved by Beauty moodlet above.

Daisy – Joy
Has green glowing ray effect. Gives Joy and Sunshine option, happy+ 2 for 2 hours (Flowers of Joy and Sunshine).
Given as a gift, the giver gets Happy +1 for 2 hours (Flower Power) and the recipient gets the Flowers of Joy and Sunshine moodlet above.

Rose – Romance
Transparent red hearts effect. Menu option Fill with Passion, flirty +2 for 2 hours (Floral Passion).
Given as a gift, the giver gets Flirty +1 for 2 hours (Love is in the Air) and the recipient gets the Floral Passion moodlet above.

Snowdrop – Seasons
Orangey glowing flames floating off it. Menu option Watch Wisps, inspired + 2 for 2 hours (Wisp Watcher).
No specific effects seen on giver or recipient when given as a gift.

Snapdragon – Disrespect
Red * and @ symbols fly out of it. Menu options How Dare They, Rude News, Shut Up – all seem to give Angry +2 for 2 hours (DISRESPECT).
Given as a gift, the recipient gets the DISRESPECT moodlet above.

Tulip – Faithful
Effect is yellow-orange glow with sparkles. No menu option, no effect noticed from being near it.
Given as a gift to a romantic partner, the giver gets +2 happy for 2 hours (Faithful). No effect on recipient. Haven't tested giving it to any sims other than romantic partner.

Scent with rare flower:

Begonia - Cursed
Dark purple spiky glow effect. No menu options.
Given as a gift, the recipient gets Dazed +3 for 24 hours (Cursed Gift!). No effect on giver.

Death Flower - Death
Black mist effect. No menu options.
Given as a gift, the recipient ages up immediately. If an elder, they will die.

Lily – Creativity
Has light blue glow with little lightbulbs floating away from it. Gives Creative Skill Inspiration option, inspired + 2 for 2 hours (Inspirational Flowers). Text (error) says it comes from 'Joy and Sunshine Scent Response'.
Given as a gift, the recipient gets the Inspirational Flowers moodlet above.

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Offline Carl

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Re: Flower arrangements (scents)
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2018, 12:14:15 PM »
I hadn't messed with a bee box yet, but saw these in the game code and thank you for confirming that one. The calming effect has a 6-tile range. Think this means 6 full squares. in each direction. Otherwise it is 3 full squares (with each larger square containing 2). I'm not able to confirm the exact range until I play with that mechanic.

Christmas rose is another rare flower. It is scented with slumber and enables the interaction 'feeling drowsy'.  It seems to put Sims into stasis... their needs will go to max while they sleep, but be at around half when they wake up, no matter how long they slept.

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Offline callycat

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Re: Flower arrangements (scents)
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2018, 12:37:29 PM »
Yes, it looks like 6 full squares, I was just playing around with the range. The bees are dormant in my game at the moment but can still get irritated or enraged.

I'm at level 8 and thought it must be too high for me, but no, I didn't have a Christmas Rose in his inventory, so thanks for that! Bird of Paradise and Orchid I haven't seen anything for yet either, but I may have to cheat to get another Bird of Paradise as it's almost extinct for me as of now. Splicing is barely working, and the one Bird of Paradise it managed to produce is refusing to flower even in a greenhouse!

I've been waiting for ages for something to do with the flowers, so I'm in heaven right now. Happily lurking with my sim in his greenhouse watching the rain and snow outside while he experiments.
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Offline Carl

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Re: Flower arrangements (scents)
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2018, 12:48:52 PM »
You and I may have been missing something sort of obvious, but seeing it spelled out here and no known effect may have helped me realize what it is. In case it isn't obvious the floral arranging skill is my next piece and only a few more of these mysteries solved and i'm good to go.

Bluebells, if you check, seem to make the plant stay in good condition longer. Since no other scent impacts value, scenting with bluebells will help excellent plants stay pristine longer (or permanently?) for running a florist shop via GTW. I just confirmed with 2 plants.Monday made a vase scented with bluebells and Tuesday another excellent, no scent. Monday plants are still pristine on Wednesday, Tuesday is already degraded to normal.

Offline callycat

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Re: Flower arrangements (scents)
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2018, 12:55:13 PM »
Oh, well spotted! I've been keeping most of them in the house inventory until I was ready to test them, and have only just started leaving them out one at a time in case there are other effects from being around them, or interactions like the spontaneous hugs that may or may not be coincidental. I'd been wondering what the timeless could refer to!
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Offline Carl

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Re: Flower arrangements (scents)
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2018, 02:05:59 PM »
It's been 3 days and my Sim's kids are still asleep from the Christmas Rose :O

I'm almost done with this, excited to get it out there.

The bird of paradise does Magnificence, granting +2 confidence....

I would not be nearly so annoyed with some of these buffs and how anti-climactic that felt, if they would just make the buff last a bit longer. I don't understand what the point of all these sub-4 hour buffs is .

Offline callycat

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Re: Flower arrangements (scents)
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2018, 02:30:02 PM »
I would not be nearly so annoyed with some of these buffs and how anti-climactic that felt, if they would just make the buff last a bit longer. I don't understand what the point of all these sub-4 hour buffs is .

Yes, given they aren't permanent objects they could have been more generous with the effects. At least the bee calming area effect is really useful.
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