Author Topic: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!  (Read 7377 times)

Offline simfulicious

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1-The First 24 Hours
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2018, 08:06:20 AM »
Thank you, everyone for your comments!  Seb is pretty lucky to have all you routing for him...and he needs all the help he can get, with the watcher that he has.

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.2 Bad Watcher!
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2018, 08:32:24 AM »
Chapter 1.2 - Bad Watcher!

So after last time, Seb had moved in a casual love interest and her brother.  We had left them fishing.  Seb also left them fishing, as he had to work.

Seb came home after a long day at work to find what's her name at the side of the road...mad as a hornet!  When he asked her what was wrong, she became angrier, and stated that as her "host" he shouldn't have left her and her brother home all day...on an empty plot of land.  Seb had told her what it would be like to found a legacy with him, but apparently she didn't completely understand what she signed up for.

So Seb kicked both of them to the curb...even though that's where they had been standing all day...haha!

Now is where it all gets a little hazy/crazy...Seb invited the pretty redhead to live with him, but she was a only teenager.  The plan was to wait for her to grow up.  But she kept running around the lot being flirty, and it was driving Seb nuts. 

Enter the Watcher...and MCCC.  I started messing with the mod, trying to figure out how I could get romantic socials to pop between YA's and teens on the active lot, because I already have it set up for the population.  Well, I ended up changing their relationship to married...and still no romance bar would show up.

So then I decided to age her up early.

And afterwards, the watcher felt very dirty...
And sad...

If I stayed with this file, I would never have founder wedding photos! 

And so we did what any (in)sane watcher would do...start over!

I feel like I just did this a few days ago, watcher! 

I know, Seb...sorry I messed up, I will try not to let it happen again.

Seb went to Oasis Springs Park, just like last time, only look who was there!  She's beautiful, and a gardener!  Seb introduced himself and learned that her name was Chloe McGhee.  She was there meeting a friend, so I made my exit and went to do what I came for...collect everything!

That evening, after collecting at both parks, I had the Good Timers come over for some fishing.  Fishing wasn't one of their activities, but I changed it to one, once I convinced Bjorn to step down, putting me in charge.  I added Chloe to the club and then sacked everyone else! 

My trusty sidekick

The next day after work, Chloe met me for club time, and greeted me with this! A man could get used to this!

One thing led to another and before you know it...

Rut ro!!!


This isn't where I had planned to stop, but I have to get ready for work.  I will probably have another chapter to post today when I get home.

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1-The First 24 Hours
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2018, 08:56:14 AM »
Good that you go and do what your feel for and I like Chloe alot. Cant wait to see the noobooes.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1-The First 24 Hours
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2018, 09:41:49 AM »
I was smiling through the whole update because I think we've all been there!  At least you did not lose too much time, and we never even knew the other girl's name.  Chloe is beautiful, and Seb looks happy.  Can't wait to meet the nooboo!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1-The First 24 Hours
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2018, 09:48:38 AM »
This chapter had me surprised, amused, rolling, then happily satisfied.
It is almost too tempting what MC Command Center also allows us to do.
When playing on short lifespan, waiting for a teen to grow up makes life hard.
So great that Seb found true love (Chloe's a kisser!) the second time around.
Kudos to you for starting over--I hope it makes you feel clean and happy.  ;D

But I also enjoyed reading about your first attempt. hehehe

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 2- Bad Watcher!
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2018, 07:21:36 AM »
Chapter 1.3 - Wedded Bliss

This photo serves two purposes...It signifies Seb completing the Plushie collection, and completing it in only like 25 holiday crackers (I was shocked!).  It also shows all of his muscles, and that is never a bad thing.

Here is the overall collection area to this point.  Having collectibles that you need to keep, while being in the science career is a little difficult, as your upgrades will take your crystals and metals from inventory.  So I know I will have to figure out what I've collected but used up...and then purchase them in the special buy mode.  I'm just waiting til the end so I don't have to do it more than once.

So in addition to Chloe being a level 10 gardener (a point that I am NOT counting-I want to accomplish the points myself), her Aspiration is Soulmate (chaching!!!).  Since that's what she was to Seb, this aspiration was easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Seb asked Chloe to marry his underwear (doesn't bother me a bit!)

They then got gussied up and headed for the wedding arch at the lounge.  I love wedding photos!  Believe it or not, Chloe is about half way done with her pregnancy in these photos...she's just that skinny that you can't really tell yet.

This photo signifies the completion of Seb's first Aspiration (The Curator).  He has now switched to Painter Extraordinaire, so he can knock out a painting for the memorialization.  I think, but am not sure yet, that I want strictly paintings for this category.

And this photo signifies the completion of the Soulmate aspiration for Chloe.  I cannot honestly remember at this point what I have selected for her (bad watcher again), but can tell you that she is in the criminal field, as she is a klepto.

What's this?  This is Seb eating some pufferfish nigeri (excellent quality), as he just so happened to walk by the stand while wanting to buy some produce.  We will store this nuggett of a recipe for later...bwahahaha!

Perfect!  Chloe needed to do some mischief interactions for work, and who better to do them on than the king of evil!

Once back at home, Chloe began to not feel so well, and it was time to give birth.  They had a little boy, named something that starts with the letter "T".  He cannot be an heir, as generation 2 needs to be female.

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2018, 08:29:05 AM »
Sebastian is doing great. To bad you got a boy, but that means you can try again ;)

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2018, 12:23:34 PM »
Congrats to Seb and Chloe on all the happiness and achievements!!!
Chloe is such a gem! Sounds like restarting was a great idea.
And what luck that she had the Soulmate aspiration!
As for using up collectibles, I try to make the cloning machine as soon as possible. Then I just clone any collectible my scientist needs for their invention.
Well, except for elements, but just clone another metal/crystal to send to Geo Council...

How are you liking Short lifespan so far? Careers are the main hardship, for me at least.

Offline simfulicious

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2018, 05:26:58 PM »
Sebastian is doing great. To bad you got a boy, but that means you can try again ;)

That's right...I have a feeling they won't mind trying again!

Congrats to Seb and Chloe on all the happiness and achievements!!!
Chloe is such a gem! Sounds like restarting was a great idea.
And what luck that she had the Soulmate aspiration!
As for using up collectibles, I try to make the cloning machine as soon as possible. Then I just clone any collectible my scientist needs for their invention.
Well, except for elements, but just clone another metal/crystal to send to Geo Council...

How are you liking Short lifespan so far? Careers are the main hardship, for me at least.

So far, I love short lifespan!  I'm only on like maybe Week 1 Friday.  We shall see about the careers...I don't think i've ever stuck with a file long enough for any of my CAS to actually max a career!

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2018, 12:40:38 AM »
Oh my!  Missed a bunch! Welcome to Chloe and to little "T" ^^

Offline oshizu

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2018, 11:58:01 AM »
Hey Sebastian! Sorry I missed your watcher's birthday yesterday, bro!
Please give her my belated birthday greetings. Hope she is having a fantastic birthday week!

And....when's the next update yo?
You're tempting me to start a Sharebro legacy, too. Maybe after I finish/fail my Townie Dynasty, hehe.

Offline simfulicious

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2018, 04:16:46 PM »
Thanks, @oshizu !  I was gonna do a whole chapter from both Sharebears, where they prepare a birthday party for me...but I didn't play enough...and Seb doesn't have a house yet. 

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2018, 04:21:45 PM »
I appreciate that you started over because it didn't feel right.  I restarted my Sharebear story at least 5 times before it felt like the right start. 

Offline simfulicious

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2018, 04:31:24 PM »
Thanks @PeregrineTook !  And happy belated Birthday!  You have the same day as my hubby, which is also our Anniversary.

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Re: Simfulicious's Short Sharebear: Chapter 1.3 Wedded Bliss!
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2018, 08:27:48 AM » is my first and only day to sim in like 3 weeks, and I do not have the gumption to play anything that I have already started.  I feel like they've been playing without me, and it would take too long to figure out what they are up to.  I guess what I am saying is...I'm putting this on hiatus for now.  I'm sorry.