I can see why you'd use HillieE's heir randomizer for your five heirs.
But I only had two heir candidates so I always had a 50/50 chance, lol.
I'd read in a comment by Pinstar on his legacy website that we could move out children as teens.
Tried to find it and quote it here for you, but there are so many comments and I couldn't find it.
Haha, I thought Juan was standing in front of the rodent cage with his hand out and a rodent in his palm. My overactive imagination....
I'm not sure what I (I mean "my sims," of course) would do with your manny.
Whenever I want to do stuff that I don't want affecting my "real" legacy household, though, I just make a copy of my legacy save and use that file instead.
That's what I'm doing for my weird dream sequences and stuff.
Can't wait to enjoy watching Josie grow up!!!