Author Topic: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (Nov 5th 2018) COMPLETE  (Read 57674 times)

Offline commasplice

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (Feb 22nd 2018)
« Reply #75 on: February 23, 2018, 10:38:46 AM »
I have a special place in my heart for the Apocalypse Challenge--I just discovered this story. This is great stuff!

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (Feb 22nd 2018)
« Reply #76 on: April 10, 2018, 05:58:13 PM »
Taken a break from the tournament challenges to play this file some more, so another update will follow soon.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (Feb 22nd 2018)
« Reply #77 on: April 10, 2018, 08:57:00 PM »

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 11th 2018)
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2018, 05:52:44 PM »
The Java Jive

Welcome back to the Sotelo's and their amazing adventures! ;D 

Sofia was a lovely addition to the family, she quietly got on with school work, skilling and the Barista career, while being friendly with the rest of the family.
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Having aged her down to the start of Teen when she joined, it seemed appropriate to age her up to YA before she went home.  And home she went to her mothers delight, a fine, highly Responsible YA with 2 levels of her aspiration complete and Art Lover as her 3rd trait.  I used Pinstars Legacy random trait generator for that, it seemed appropriate. 
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The Java Jive is now a reality with both a tea and coffee maker in the kitchen.  The kitchen has had a slight revamp to accommodate them but needs more work.

There were other birthdays too. Madhukar became my first teen Vampire and started exploring his new abilities, not entirely sure about Nancy Landgraab as a first meal though.  He had maxed all the child aspiration and got a good start on the Parenthood traits as well.
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Seiji took him fishing so they could top up the supply of plasma packs and Madhukar did a lot of reading which was too boring to take pictures of.  His main aspiration is Painter Extrordinaire as he will be the Master of the Real but he has jumped around all the Vamp aspirations and bodybuilding for the points.  I may see how low I can get the bills by having even more sims with Frugal.
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A few days later it was Ninian's turn.  He has also maxed all child aspiration and made huge inroads into the PH traits.
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The boys do a lot together, they train together, do homework together, even feed together. 
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The fact that people in a nightclub have normal clothes is due to a mod. While they were at the nightclub we had a vampire break-in, still not fixed.  The woman dancing in the stripy top is the vamp causing the trouble.  Thankfully Madhukar asking her for training was enough to stop the break-in and let them go home.

Some others got a bit of coaching too.  Seiji decided that his best friend and favourite food souce really needed to start on homework, and Gzifa got fed up with Lily Jack making a mess and insisted that she clean it up.
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While all this was going on, Lucilla was beavering away in the background.  Well actually as a responsible sim, her work from home task auto completes and she long ago gained all the skill levels she needed, so it was just a case of going to work in the right mood and picking the chance card options carefully.  Unsurprisingly she came home with her final promotion.  We can self-publish books and sell sim produced items, even more reason to revamp the house.  :D
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The girls were not forgotten and spent a lot of time working on aspirations.  They are just trying to finish Social Butterfly and Rumbunctious Scamp.  This means they are now officially Best Friends and took a photo to prove it.
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Gzifa and Seiji have found the perfect way to get some alone time - send the kids volunteering.  Teens can take their younger siblings and the parents get to have fun.
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So there we are, Sofia has been and gone, leaving coffee pots in her wake and Lucilla has cleared the way for a clear-out of paintings and sculptures.

Madhukar is a prime vampire with all 5 PH traits in place, an A grade and nearly 2 levels of aspiration complete; Ninian is a minor vampire with 4 PH traits in place,  he has his A grade but has jumped around the aspirations so much I can't remember what I gave him; Ophelia and Odiyah both have their A grades, 2 aspirations complete and 2 on their last section, they are also making good progress on the PH traits; Seiji still has vacation days to take because he only works 2 days a week so is around to help whoever needs it but Gzifa has had to go back to work, she's just cruising at the top of her career.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 11th 2018)
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2018, 06:05:54 PM »
HelenP, you are killing this challenge!
I'm always happy to read what your amazing family has been doing. :D

Question: Is that a multi-layered strawberry shortcake like thing I see, placed on the dinner table for Sofia's birthday?

Congrats on completing the Barista and Patron of the Arts careers.
Sofia really did well for herself during her short stint with your Sotelos!
There must be teens lined up at their door now, hoping for a chance to complete a teen career and earn a positive trait in return!
The children have all aged up so handsomely! I love the coloring of the girls, too!

You mentioned "revamping the house" twice in this update. I can't wait for a future house tour!
Now that you've cleared so many career locks, is your game still fun?
Seems as if you are really enjoying playing your Sotelos. :D

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 11th 2018)
« Reply #80 on: April 12, 2018, 09:10:23 PM »
The vamp break in is so annoying when you are playing to a time-schedule! I agree with oshizu, you're really killing it.  :)
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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 11th 2018)
« Reply #81 on: April 14, 2018, 12:11:37 PM »
House Tour

It's just possible that I went a bit beyond a 'revamp' and more like completely rebuilt the house :) !

The left side and front  - the porch design is completely inspired by Heart Foam's current house (thanks @Heart Foam).
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Right side and back - still needs some a lot of work but very happy with the chimney. Can you guess the reason for the funny square hedge?
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Ground floor with walls down - not entirely happy with the piano where it is but love the bright rug in the dining nook and glad to have a fireplace.
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1st floor bedrooms, bathrooms and fun space - loving how bright and sunny it is and the meditation balcony.
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1st basement - still the gym although the pool has moved outside.  Made a dedicated coffin room for the vamps, and found a use for the secret door.
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2nd basement - has only 1 purpose, F.A.B.
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Thunderbirds are go - or at least, as close as sims can get.
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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 14th 2018)
« Reply #82 on: April 14, 2018, 01:18:27 PM »
I love the rocket bunker! I'm such a fan of them. And your house is a more manageable size than mine. And the terracotta roof gives it a totally different feel. And a clever use of the secret door. The meditation balcony is so good. I tend to throw the yoga mat wherever it'll fit. 
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 14th 2018)
« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2018, 02:21:33 PM »
After overcoming all those restrictions and deprivations, your family really deserves that lovely house!
I giggled at the rocket peeking its nose above ground--its home is just big enough to fit, surprisingly (to me).

Your house looks so spacious and airy now!
I enjoy how much space there is in the skilling room on the (erm, I think I got this....) first floor! (hehe)
Also, I notice you've placed a voidcritter battlestation. Do your kids play it autonomously--I usually forgot it even exists (though I collect the cards *coughs).
Where do your sims tend to congregate? TV area?

The beautiful house is the biggest manifestation of just how far your Sotelos have journeyed in their Apocalypse Challenge!
Thanks for guiding us around the house!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 14th 2018)
« Reply #84 on: April 14, 2018, 09:10:48 PM »
Your house is so cool, especially the rocket bunker!  And the fun space and meditation balcony are pretty awesome, too.  Your Sims are lucky to live there!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 14th 2018)
« Reply #85 on: April 15, 2018, 01:48:42 AM »
Oh wow, loving the house!  I had to go back and reread.  It had been a while and as I was reading some of your current updates, I couldn't remember a lot of the beginning XD But that house is amazing.  Hehe, love the rocket peeking out.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (April 14th 2018)
« Reply #86 on: April 16, 2018, 01:55:35 PM »
Love the house! The hedge is the perfect rocketship camouflage. No one will suspect! And no one will fall in the hole, either. :)
All the windows are so nice, too. The natural light you've got going on is so pleasant. I'm sure your sims are very happy people, apocalypse or no apocalypse.

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Greening of Newcrest - an Apocalypse Challenge (Finished 5 Nov 2018)
« Reply #87 on: November 05, 2018, 05:46:27 PM »
So Long... And Thanks For All The Fish

Well it all started with fish, fish for breakfast, dinner and tea; and it's ended with fish, this time for plasma packs, but ended it has.  My Apocalypse Challenge is finally complete!!

First the girls aged up and started their careers. Ophelia joined Entertainer - Comedian and Odiyah joined Ninian in the Criminal career to become The Oracle. 
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With all 4 children working adults, Gzifa and Seiji decided to move out before Gzifa's elder birthday.
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Life continued and nightclubs continued to be the best place to get drinks and make friends. 
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(not sure who the fat guy in purple is, not a Sotelo that's for sure)

Madhukar became a master vampire - not sure if Vlad was impressed or not but I like the view a defeated vamp gets of the winner.
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Eventually careers were maxed, first was Madhukar
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Eventually I got bored of waiting for work days to come round and placed the Lost Garden of Healing in the world.  This made climbing the career ladder much faster.
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although Odiyah didn't need much help
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Both Ninian and Odiyah enjoyed their careers.  Ninian got a cat, named it Blofeld and felt like a real villain,
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while Odiyah approved of her clothes (as well as the cat)
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Eventually Ophelia got lucky and topped out her career. 
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The Vamps all made clubs with their favourite food sims as the only other members and Ophelia invited Elsa Bjergsen and Lucas Munch to join the household.  A day at school and it was time for their teen birthdays Elsa first and Lucas several hours later.
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The wishing well was kind again and Elsa, who starts her teen job at level 2 because of her B grade in school, topped out the Fast Food with an instant promotion.
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It took Lucas longer but eventually the well was nice to him too and all careers are complete.
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I had a load of fireworks sitting in the back garden ready to set off, but I never got round to it 'cause I wanted to finish.  Thank you if you managed to follow this to the end.
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