Author Topic: Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue  (Read 15618 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Third Young Adult
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2018, 01:03:12 PM »
Pippin:  We join the Took family to find that three of the girls have gone out for some social time!

Raven:  Woot!  It's dancing time!
Ciara:  Time to find my prince!
Alyssa:  I just found some victims!!
Pippin:  (sigh) Let's focus on what's happening inside the dance club first.
Ciara:  It's pretty crowded, sis.  Do you think our dance moves are really gonna stand out?
Raven:  Gurl, please!  We're Tooks!

Pippin:  Yes.  Yes they are!  Meantime, we turn our attention outside where Alyssa targets a friendly librarian.

Alyssa:  I would call you a bookworm, but I don't want to insult the worms.
Librarian:  Why, you!
Alyssa:  Oh, nice comeback!  Or were you trying to spell something?  Y U?  Perhaps Y U C K which must be what the guys say when they see you?
Librarian:  Well, I never!
Alyssa:  I'll bet the guys who look at you wish they'd never either.
Pippin:  Wow, she's really working on that argumentative trait!  And is Morgan Fyres...swooning over Alyssa?

Ciara:  Wow!  That was such a fun night of dancing, but I wonder what ever happened to Alyssa?
Raven:  Oh, I'm sure she found something to keep her occupied.
Pippin:  And we return home where...

Pippin:  Shashka is adorable!
Shashka:  Mew!
Alyssa:  Aww, that's my little familiar!
Pippin:  Anyway, the girls immediately went to bed, then I woke them and reminded them that we can rally the troops now, and they found ways to spend their time more productively.

Ciara:  I will find my prince and we will make beautiful music together!

Pippin:  Meantime, Raven just sits around being beautiful.
Raven:  Aww, thanks, Pippin!  But I'm actually practicing chess.
Pippin:  My statement still stands!
Alyssa:  Where'd Shashka go?

Alyssa:  Awww, my cute little familiar!  It's snuggle time!!
Pippin:  You are the least intimidating "witch" of all time.
Alyssa:  I will turn you into a toad...after I finish cuddling my little cutie pie!
Pippin:  And Ailene, as she commonly does, spends some time with her eldest sister.

Ailene:  So a man walks into a bar and the bowl of nuts said, "You look great, have you lost weight?"  The man asks the bartender, "What's with the nuts?" and the bartender says, "They're complimentary!"
Raven:  Hahaha!  You are so funny, little elf!
Pippin:  And before long, the magical space elf and the wicked witch had to head off for school, so the young adult gals went for an outing.

Raven:  Thanks for coming along, Reid!
Reid:  Yeah,!
Ciara:  I'll just be over here not being a third wheel.
Raven:  Thanks, Cici!

Reid:  I'm...your prettiness is like...gorgeous...ness...
Raven:  You are not smooth.  Let's cloudgaze.  That way you can just hang out and be pretty.
Reid:  Okay, thank you.
Pippin:  But the angel child was not the only one getting attention from a gentleman...

Elder Mixologist:  Well, aren't you just the prettiest little thing?
Ciara:  You're creepy, but I appreciate how observant you are.
Elder Mixologist:  I'll take it!  So, you want to spend some time with me before I have to head home to my wife?
Ciara:  Raven!!  It's time to leave!!  Now!!!  Right this second!!!
Pippin:  And they set off for a small pub in Windenberg where they find a foosball table.
Ciara:  I get to be on Rae's team!!
Reid:  I...guess I get...the mixologist?

Raven:  Yeah, I think it's pretty clear who won this game!
Reid:  Yes!  The mixologist and I!
Raven:  Sweetie?  That was one of those hang out and be pretty moments.
Reid:  ...I'm sorry.
Pippin:  And meantime, Chantons and Anabelle finally get one of those dates I'd promised them.

Anabelle:  It's about time, Pippin!
Chantons:  I have never known
                 The like of this, I've been alone
                 And I have missed things
                 And kept out of sight
                 But other girls were never quite
                 Like this, di-di-di-di'n'di.
                 Falling, yes I am falling,
                 And she keeps calling
                 Me back again.

Pippin:  Aww, they're so sweet, and forgiving to Watchers who make them wait to have the dates they've been promised.
Anabelle:  Mhm.

Pippin:  See?  So sweet!  And after we get home...

Pippin:  Alyssa finally got in range to earn the argumentative trait.
Alyssa:  Yes!  Score!
Pippin:  You realize that's a negative trait, right?
Alyssa:  Not for a witch!
Pippin:  Not a witch.
Alyssa:  Totally a witch!
Pippin:  (sigh) Anyway, Ailene gets in more time with her favorite sister.

Raven:  Darn it!  Looks like you win again, little elf!
Ailene:  Must be my magical space powers.
Raven:  That or you're just awesome.
Ailene:  Hmm, both options are very logical.
Pippin:  And we come upon a monumental moment for the Took household, and the moment that I'd thought would have been the end of this storyline.
Anabelle:  Wait, what?!?!?
Pippin:  No worries!  I've totally changed my mind and we had a surprise blessing in the form of a magical space elf.  Anyway, Alyssa has finally reached her young adult birthday!

Ciara:  You're getting all grown up!
Raven:  Hope the world's ready to deal with an adult witch!
Alyssa:  Look out, world, here I come!

Pippin:  And the candles are blown out...

Pippin:  and Ailene leads the singing.
Ailene:  Happy biiiiiiirthday to you!!!
Raven:  Aww, that was beautiful, little elf!
Pippin:  And the witch magically ages up.

Alyssa:  Are you mocking me?
Pippin:  It's just possible. 

Alyssa:  Looks like you're the only child in the house now, elf.  Would you like to come visit the candy house I just had built?
Ailene:  Sure, that sounds safe!
Pippin:  And we leave the Took household with young Ailene a mere two days away from her teen years.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The New Addition
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2018, 03:36:42 PM »
Awwww, poor Ciarra deserves so much better than a washed-up bartender with lousy lines! time-consuming is looking after a kitten?

Raven is ravishing as always. Looking forward to meeting Ailene as a teenager!

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Offline commasplice

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The New Addition
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2018, 02:59:44 PM »
"Alyssa:  Looks like you're the only child in the house now, elf.  Would you like to come visit the candy house I just had built?
Ailene:  Sure, that sounds safe!"

I always like to reread your updates because I run the risk of missing gems like these!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The New Addition
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2018, 11:27:32 AM »
Awwww, poor Ciarra deserves so much better than a washed-up bartender with lousy lines! time-consuming is looking after a kitten?

Raven is ravishing as always. Looking forward to meeting Ailene as a teenager!
The kitten is actually really self-sufficient.  I mean, with rallying the troops and no requirements to fulfill, Alyssa has plenty of time to cuddle, coddle, and play with Shashka, but Shashka keeps herself quite happily occupied and uses her box and the food dish refills automatically, so she's super easy to care for!
Yeah, Ciara will find a prince one day. 
Ravishing Raven.  Yes.  Yes that!
And teen Ailene?  Coming right up  ;=)

"Alyssa:  Looks like you're the only child in the house now, elf.  Would you like to come visit the candy house I just had built?
Ailene:  Sure, that sounds safe!"

I always like to reread your updates because I run the risk of missing gems like these!
Aww, thanks!  I have so much fun writing their lines, so it's great to know that you're enjoying them multiple times  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2018, 11:28:10 AM »
Pippin:  Back at the Took household, we're coming up on a rather exciting event!

Ailene:  Is it me doing homework?
Pippin:   Umm, no.
Ailene:  Oh, I know...

Ailene:  It's me doing extra credit!
Pippin:  Umm, no.  In fact, it's not even happening until the end, but right now, the family is heading off for an outing!

All Four Girls:  Go BelleTooks!!
Pippin:  They rally the troops so well!
Anabelle:  And "belle" is French for beautiful.  These are my beautiful girls...who all look just like their mama.
Pippin:  Umm, Ailene's mama is Senior Pollination Technician #3.  I mean, she's pretty, but...
Anabelle:  I'm done with you.

Ailene:  Hey, I'm going to make friends with this girl with resting hate face and her brother!
HateFaceGirl:  Umm, you're blue.  I hate that.
HateFaceGirl'sBrother:  Aww, sis, she's cute!
Ailene:  I'm both!   I'm blue and cute!  See?  Now everyone's happy.  Except for you and your hateful face.
Pippin:  Wow.  Kids these days with their faces.  Hey, what are you doing, Alyssa?

Alyssa:  I'm gathering ingredients for potions.  You know, eyes of newts and toes of frogs.
Pippin:  Ummm, yuck?
Alyssa:   Yeah, I'm just messing!  I'm catching cute little frogs to be friends with my frog at home.
Pippin:  Okay, I feel better now.  Anyway, as Ailene was chatting, HateFaceGirl and her brother both aged up mid-conversation!

HateFaceGirl:  C'mon, bro, let's stop hanging out with this child-aged loser.
HateFaceGirl'sBrother:  But she's so sweet!
Ailene:  I think one of you is not very nice, but I'm going to be polite enough to not mention that it's her.
HateFaceGirl'sBrother:  That's kind of you.
Pippin:  And after that, Ailene went to play chess with her obviously favorite sister.

Librarian:  So, if I hang out by you two sweet girls, will you protect me from your sister?
Ailene:  Ciara?  She's not that bad, really.
Raven:  Umm, pretty sure she means Alyssa, little elf.
Ailene:  Oh.  In that case, Ciara's great!
Pippin:  And speaking of Ciara the great, after the family heads home, she heads off to perform at the park.

Ciara:  I am not just the perfect princess, but also the marvelous maiden of music!
Raven:  Nice alliteration, sis!
Ciara:  Thanks!  What's alliteration?
Alyssa:  This one's more like illiterate than alliterate.
Pippin:  Says the oh-so-unscary witch.

Alyssa:  It is not my fault that my familiar is so adorable!
Pippin:  Anyway, Raven helps Ailene with the whiz kid aspiration by reading a children's story to her...
Alyssa:  Is it "Lord of the Swings?!?!?!"  I mean...I'm just going to sit over here...

Ailene:  Ummm, did you really just squeeze me out of my story listening spot?
Alyssa:  Oh.  I just...thought this spot looked...comfy...for watching TV...
Raven:  It's okay, I can read to both of you.
Ailene and Alyssa:  Thanks!!
Pippin:  So while Raven manages to draw a crowd of two for story time...

Pippin:  poor Ciara only had one fan show up to hear her performance.
Ciara:  Yes, but she listened really well!
Raven:  That's right, Cici.  It's about quality, not quantity.
Pippin:  And when she finishes quality time with her fan, Ciara comes in and joins her sister for a fun-filled game of Don't Wake the Llama!

Pippin:  Well, it's fun for everyone except Raven. 
Raven:  No, it's fine, Pippin.  I'm just happy that none of my sisters had to lose.
Alyssa:  You know, it's less fun to mock you for losing when you're losing gracefully.
Raven:  Sorry about that.
Pippin:  And little Ailene heads back out to the park to play on the pirate ship with some random boy child, but it wasn't long before monsters came on the scene...

Ciara:  I'm princess of the monsters!!
Raven:  Yeah you are!
Pippin:  But we quickly transition back to the house because...

Alyssa:  My baby's getting all grown up!!
Pippin:  Your baby?
Alyssa:  My familiar can be my baby!
Pippin:  And shortly thereafter, the girls are invited to the flea market...

Pippin:  where they watch a street performer...

Pippin:  and got distracted by the basketball court. 
Ciara:  Wait, did no one remember to buy me presents?
Raven:  Of course not!  Your present was this great trip!
Ciara:  Aww, that's so sweet!  Next time, I expect you to spend money on me.
Raven:  Noted.
Pippin:  But the girls weren't the only ones invited out.

Brent:  Hey, thanks for coming to guy's night with me, Chantons!
Chantons:  I got a feeling
                 That tonight's gonna be a good night!

Brent:  Yeah, me too!
Pippin:  And since a Took was present...

Pippin:  a dance party broke out.
Chantons:  You can dance if you want to
                 You can leave your friends behind
                 'Cause your friends don't dance
                 And if they don't dance
                 Then they're no friends of mine!

Pippin:  Yes.  Yes that.  But finally, we came to the most significant moment of the update...

Pippin:  Raven and Alyssa showing off their new formal attire!
Raven:  Pippin...?
Pippin:  Okay, just kidding.  It's Ailene's teen birthday!!

Alyssa:  Hahaha!  She's bald!!
Ciara:  And still blue!
Raven:  And as beautiful as ever!  Would you like your makeover now, little elf?
Ailene:  Yeah, that sounds good.
Pippin:  And...does she have...?

Pippin:  it's the Took nose!!!
Ailene:  And I have racing stripes!
Raven:  I think you just need some medicine, sweetie.
Ailene:  But...I look so cool...
Pippin:  Alright, teen fashion show time!

Ailene:  Barefoot beauty!!
Pippin:  Umm, why are you barefoot?
Ailene:  Because I'm an elf.
Pippin:  Oh, that explains...nothing.  Anyway, happy birthday, Ailene!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2018, 11:40:38 AM »
Happy teen birthday, Ailene!
Great job on inheriting Da Nose!

Offline commasplice

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2018, 03:48:58 PM »
<i>Ailene:  Because I'm an elf.
Pippin:  Oh, that explains...nothing.  Anyway, happy birthday, Ailene!</i>

She's gorgeous and I'm laughing so win win!

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Offline commasplice

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2018, 11:25:39 AM »
Laughing so hard about the stripes.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2018, 12:13:37 AM »
Any Pippin story is worth the read, but, this one is one of the best yet! I'm on #TeamAilene, for the moment anyway

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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