Author Topic: How-To: Delete Game Saves PS4  (Read 21483 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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How-To: Delete Game Saves PS4
« on: May 02, 2018, 08:00:17 PM »
How-To: Delete Game Saves PS4

If you're looking to deleting individual games for Sims 4, here's how to do that.

1: Go to PlayStation settings
2: Go to “Application Saved Data Management”
3: Go to “Saved Data in System Storage” >
    (If it pops up to close the following application click “OK”)
4: Click the “Saved Data in System Storage”)
5: Hit Delete
6: Click the Sims 4 & select which saved game(s) you want to delete.

Reference Link:

Manage PS4 saved game data in system storage

Please Note: For both PS4 and Xbox One, you have to delete saves from the operating system.

The company that is porting over the Sims 4 to console may not be able to change the way either console's operating system handles deleting saved games. That type of change would need to come from the console makers themselves.

Note: This post has been locked as it's for informational purposes.
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