Author Topic: Can I find out how my sim died? Sims 3  (Read 3378 times)

Offline hobbes524

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Can I find out how my sim died? Sims 3
« on: January 06, 2018, 03:22:54 PM »

While playing sims (I play more than 1 active household and I have free will on) I went back to a household I play often and one of my kids were dead.  I'm just wondering how he died.  His ghost isn't haunting us, I can't find his tomb stone anywhere, and it is not in the scrapbook. I am just very curious as to how he died.  I get that I have free will on and it wasn't the active household when he died.  I'm not complaining, I understand they continue to live their lives while I'm living another life somewhere else, but how do I find out how he died?  His picture on the family tree just shows him grayed out, but he's still a kid, so it couldn't have been from old age? Is there any way to find out?

Thank you very much.


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Re: Can I find out how my sim died? Sims 3
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2018, 08:20:04 AM »
Hi, so I’m not an expert on any of this stuff but I believe there is a picture on the tombstone showing how they died. To get the tombstone, I think you need to go to the mausoleum (the building at the graveyard) click on it, and select manage gravestones, or mange the dead or something like that. The option isn’t always there, but it worked for me several times and that is the only solution I can think of.
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