Hello, I've been reading the forums for a while, and can usually find the answers to my questions here without having to ask, but today something happened that hadn't before. My child Sim won't get in his bed. He slept in it for several nights, then one day my simbot cleaned the house and now the kid won't sleep in the bed. When you que it up, he stands next to the bed with the little can't walk there bubble above his head and a picture of the simbot. I don't have any mods or CC. I've put the bed into my family inv, moved it around, tried to get other Sims to sleep in it, saved and reloaded, etc. He slept in another bed that night. I finally got it so that someone else could sleep in his bed, then that night it did it again.
Anyone had this problem? The bed is the Iconic Ionic Queen one, and I only have Ambitions and WA addons.
Thanks for any help!