Reset Sim; Reset a Household and/or Evict Household
Reset Sim:
While in live mode on pause, Press Shift-Ctrl-C keys together to bring up cheat console. Type in:
resetsim [firstname lastname]
Reset Household: - This can be done without cheats.
Have them all travel to another lot, and then send them home. This should reset all family members.
* Use the M key for map, for fast travel.
Evict the household and then move them back in. - This can be done without cheats.
1. At the Map screen, click the household you want to play.
2. Click More > Evict Household.
-- Household will be placed in Manage Households.
3. Open Manage Household and select household.
4. Click the truck icon to move household onto a lot.
5. Click on the household you want to play.