Released :
Underweight teens fix - Natural metabolism part 1/3This mod fixes the high metabolism issues specific to teenage sims, which cause them to lose too much weight and become severely underweight with time.
This is an XML tuning mod. This mod can work alone, but works best when installed with the two other parts of the Natural Metabolism mod.
Available on Mod the Sims.Released :
Balanced calories - Natural metabolism part 2/3This mod fixes the issue that causes sims to inevitably gain weight with all foods on long term. Some foods such as salad now allow sims that eat them to progressively lose weight. A balanced and diversified diet made of both high and low calorie foods will allow sims to stabilize their weight naturally, just like in reality.
This is an XML tuning mod. This mod can work alone, but works best when installed with the two other parts of the Natural Metabolism mod.
Available on Mod the Sims.Released :
Retuned metabolism - two flavors - Natural metabolism part 3/3This mod slows down muscle and weight changes induced by exercise, so that sims won't experience brutal weight and muscle mass changes, and will see their weight and muscle evolve progressively and naturally with time.
This is an XML tuning mod. This mod can work alone, but works best when installed with the two other parts of the Natural Metabolism mod. The 2 flavors conflict with each another, install only one.
Available on Mod the Sims.