Just to add another info:
You can set all mixologist drink for sale too *including the reward potions* for sale in your retail store.
(so far i only check the emotional potions from completing mixologist aspiration but i assume even young age potion could be sold at the store)
I haven't test it with Marketable yet but the Smoky Hot drink that cost $125 sold for $900-ish (at 100% markup)
The emotional potions sadly only sold for $200 while making them cost $1000 so I'd advise against selling those except you want to set up for passive retail store.
here's my tips for setting up "passive" retail shop:
- Do not worry about stocks, any item you mark for sale will be restocked automatically. So while your normal "Bakery" might need multiple cakes on display / freezer to accommodate all customers, you only need one to set for sale.
- Another neat thing about the freezer is that you can decide how much you want to buy much like when you order upgrade parts from computer. If you miss having a grocery from old sims, you can set up mini grocery if you like.
- The price used however will be whatever the price set by the owner so be wary not to put it on 100% or your new household might not be able to afford it. Your owner sim don't get any passive earning whatsoever, so set the price accordingly.
- You don't need to hire employee. Even if your owner sim didn't hire any, the game will spawn retail workers to tend the business automatically so don't worry about that.
- Here are good items for sale in the passive store: Any collections items to help other sims finish the collection quickly, Herbs made with herbalism, All gardens products (perfect quality is recommended), All drinks and meal, Emotional decor
- All buy mode items that can be bought without unlocking however makes poor passive store since buying straight away is much faster and cheaper. The appliances could be upgraded first before you set it for sale but right now, i'm not sure whether the upgrade sticks or not after restocking. Only do this if you are dead set on role playing.