What looks like is happening is you may have put it on the "wrong" lot. Like maybe you placed a lot some where that wasn't level and placed the lot on it.
Something to try is move the lot to a different lot that is already there. You may need to bulldoze a building first.
How to do this:
1. Go to Options (...) Select Edit Town.
2. Click on the Move Tool (the hand)
3. Click on your lot and move it to any available empty lot.
--- These will show up with an outline of a box over them.

If you need to bulldoze, use the button that has a bulldozer on it to bulldoze the building on the lot.

Options - Lower Left
Change Household - Upper Left
Select - Upper Right
Move Lot - Middle Right
Build/Buy - Middle Right
Bulldoze - Lower Right
World Editor - By the Bulldoze button. It's a tool to use to place different size lots on the map.