Author Topic: No Giggling or Tiger Stripes with Gas and Giggles  (Read 6038 times)

Offline coolsim9999999

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No Giggling or Tiger Stripes with Gas and Giggles
« on: September 12, 2016, 08:52:00 PM »
Tonight, I played my doctor Sim, and one of the girls from my main family walked into the hospital.  The doctor did all the tests that can be done for a child, and her compelling diagnosis was Gas and Giggles --- which was the correct diagnosis, in this case.

However, no giggling or tiger stripes accompanied her stomach ache, and the thermometer looked like it flashed when the doctor took her temperature.

I saw a pepto bottle in a balloon above the patient's head, so I thought it was going to be Burnin' Belly.

Has anyone ever seen a case of Gas and Giggles with out any giggles, gas and tiger stripes?

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Re: No Giggling or Tiger Stripes with Gas and Giggles
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2016, 10:09:42 PM »
I had a game where the entire doctor career was glitched and no patient ever had a symptom. Put me off the career for good.
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Re: No Giggling or Tiger Stripes with Gas and Giggles
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2016, 11:17:01 PM »
Wow!  Really?  The whole career! 

I followed my playable doctor to work one day, and I saw one of the little girls from my main household show up at the hospital.  Based on her stomachache and the pepto bottle in her thought bubble, along with no giggles, I thought that she must have burnin' belly.  So, I had the doctor do all the tests.  In the end, the compelling diagnosis was Gas and Giggles.  The computer would not let me select anything else. 

So, I let the doctor give her medicine for Gas and Giggles and hoped that it would work.  Thankfully, it did!  :)

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Re: No Giggling or Tiger Stripes with Gas and Giggles
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2016, 02:09:32 AM »
Hmm, it was in my dynasty. The entire time there were absolutely no symptoms, it was super frustrating. I have to say I particularly dislike this career and quite simply refuse to play it! It really plays just like some random time-management game which I personally do not see as a good fit with a sims game.

Glad you got your diagnosis correct though.  :)
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Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: No Giggling or Tiger Stripes with Gas and Giggles
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2016, 02:46:48 AM »
Thanks! :)  Yeah, I know.  I was worried that she needed surgery and would die if I did not have my doctor Sim diagnose her correctly.  The time management is really bad in the doctor career.  In my game, anyway, the game did not supply any doctor Sims, so I had to create one.  Therefore, my doctor Sim was the only doctor in the entire hospital, and so many Sims come in each day.  The time that the child from my main family came in, the doctor spent half the day on Maureen's case. (I even had the doctor work until 9 p.m.)!  It's like trying to run an ER with one doctor --- and the orderly kept getting in the way, so my doctor Sim told him to go away and yelled at him so she could examine the patient.  The doctor career can be fun, though!