@faithgr --- Since it is a career uniform, you could type in the following cheats to keep your Sim at whichever level of entertainer that jacket is used. I'm not sure, but I don't think that you can change the jacket's color because it is a uniform. However, if you would still like to use it, here are some cheats to help you so you may always keep your Sim at the career level or levels, which use that jacket.
careers.promote entertainer
careers.demote entertainer
To open the cheat box, type shift control c (all 3 at the same time.
Type testingcheats on in the cheat box first before you type in either of the above cheats.
The only time you may not demote a Sim is if you select a career branch that you don't want --- although, I guess, you could have your Sim quit his or her job, and then, have the Sim re-enter that career from the first level of it. Your Sim may need to work in a different career for a short time in between. You could try it out and see what works.