Author Topic: Custom content/mods not working  (Read 3995 times)

Offline samychristine

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Custom content/mods not working
« on: August 15, 2016, 10:44:34 PM »
Hey guys! So I've had Sims for more than 10 years and I love this game but ever since I got a new computer the problems have started. Sims 3 is so slow i mean its ridiculous! It pauses for about 30 seconds and then gives me about 5-10 seconds of normal gameplay, that drives me nuts!

My mods are so crazy now too so only the mods that affect gameplay are working but not my content mods and not only that but my load up is horribly slow about 100-160 min?

I have tried deleting the folders and putting them back and deleting the resource.cfg file and re-downloading and absolutely nothing is helping I actually didn't sleep for 3 days because i was trying to figure this problem out! I finally gave up until yesterday when i was playing one random little clothing mod popped up and the reignited the flame. I am determined to now fix this problem!

Why are the gameplay mods working and not content?! Does it have something to do with Windows 10? Also i know that it can since as when i take them out and only have like 50 mods it takes like 10-30 min to load but if i have my mods then it takes 3-4 times longer to load up so I know it reads them yet they're not showing up. And i know I'm kind of on the right path because for the longest time neither types of mods would work but now i have at least the gameplay mods working. Thank you sorry this is so long!

Also just to let you guys know i have all the folders in the right place i have 3 folders, and all my mods are in the packages folder!


Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Custom content/mods not working
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2016, 11:32:46 PM »
Depending on what the computer specs are, It may be having a hard time running the game, game mods plus custom content. How To: Find System Specs

With Sims 3, please keep in mind due to the game engine's quirks the game still suffers from micro-stutters and periodic slow downs. There is not a lot you can do to fix this.

Also the more content you add to the game, like custom content, game mods and store content the more the game will lag and become problematic. This is due to the way the game handles additional content. Again, not much can be done to speed that up unfortunately. But it is far less noticeable on a desktop.

If having problems with game mods, it's recommended to take them out and put them back in one by one, or a few at a time to test to see which is causing the problem. Then either leave it/them out or see if there's an updated version of said mods.

If having problems with custom content it may be a good idea to go through it to see if any of it has become corrupt somehow. Links below can help with taking care of CC.

[HOW TO] Find and remove bad custom content (CC)

Game Help:TS3 Custom Content
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Custom content/mods not working
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2016, 12:04:54 AM »
Hi there @samychristine and welcome to the forum!

CC questions are tough to decipher out and while you've given us a lot of information to go off of, I must ask several more to really help sort through and diagnose your problem. I apologize if these seem redundant/silly to ask, but I like to make sure all the bases are covered.

1. What kind of computer are you running? I know you're on Windows 10, but I'm going to need a bit more from you.
----> How much Ram do you have?
----> What is your graphics card?
----> What kind of hard drive do you have?

2. What expansion packs and stuff packs are you running?

3. Prior to your recent experiences, did you experience slow downs to this extent before or is this a relatively new issue? Essentially, have you been able to play the game on your current computer without any issues while running Game Mods and Custom Content?

4. Did the slow down start happening after adding some new CC/Mods or was it something that started up with seemingly no cause? Like, did you add in some CC or Mods one day and then a few days later notice the severe load up times?

5. Are you trying to load into old save files or new ones?
----> If old save files, have you taken out CC or Mods from that file before?
----> If new save files, is it on an EA world or is it on a Custom World?

Ok, so first things first, I run a lot of CC on my rig and while I do notice subtle slow-downs, it's never been awful for me. To put it in perspective I actually have the game up right now with 764 package files. Around 15-20 of them are regular core mods and game mods, the rest is entirely CC.
Now, some tips that I have for CC/Mod use in general is:

>Once a mod or CC goes into a save file, don't take it out. Say you pick out a hair you think you'll like, you download it and put it in your game. You mess around on that game file and try the hair out and realize you don't like it. You save, exit the game and take out that silly hair. When you go to load that save file up that your game will be looking for that piece of CC that you took out. It'll start throwing error logs out behind-the-scenes in your game. One hair on one Sim isn't so bad, right? However, the game is dynamic and in the time that you played Sims could've changed outfits, aged up, or moved into town with that hair on and now you've got several error logs firing up. This, along with regular error logs your game is throwing from the usual stuck-sims, bugged-out objects, and other unavoidable things can cause massive game slow-down and even crashing. So, don't do it.
>Sort through a lot of your CC and approach your game in batches. I would take 30 or so pieces of CC in at a time and see if it's a buggy piece of CC that's slowing you down. Use process of elimination to see if there's a conflict or bad piece of CC.
>When in doubt, try a factory reset to your game to see if that improves performance.

If you get back to us with a response to these questions I can better troubleshoot the issues at hand. =) @MrsFlynn and I are on the case.  8)

