Author Topic: How to get the main bin back after deleting it  (Read 5462 times)

Offline Blah

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How to get the main bin back after deleting it
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:32:45 AM »
I need help! I accidentally deleted the main garbage bin. How do you get it back?

Offline Junan

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Re: How to get the main bin back after deleting it
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2016, 11:39:40 AM »
Does the bin belong to a pre-built house? If so, follow these steps:

a) Launch a new game in same town
b) Find the house on the map
c) Save house to library
d) Return to current save
e) Evict the household and bulldoze the lot
f) Add the house back from the library

That should return the bin. Failing that, I believe reloading the save does the trick or alternatively, you can use the trash chute from Late Night via this mod (if you use them, that is).

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Offline TonyTajiri

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Re: How to get the main bin back after deleting it
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2016, 04:55:43 PM »
The original trash bin is inside of BuyDebug for free.  Its description should be "It's a trashcan".  I recommend filtering to base game before entering BuyDebug, due to the mass amount of items.

1. Open the Cheat Window with Control + Shift + C on a standard Windows keyboard.
2. Enable Testing Cheats by using "testingcheatsenabled true" without quotes.
3. Enable the Buy Debug tab by typing "buydebug" without quotes.
4. Find the silver trash can and place it on your lot.
5. Disable the Buy Debug tab by doing "buydebug off" without quotes
6. Disable Testing Cheats with "testingcheatsenabled false" without quotes.
7. Enjoy a new trash can that will probably be pushed over in the next few days  ;)

You can also reload the world by going to the main menu and reentering the save to get a new trashcan or mailbox.