Hi everyone, I am taking a sim through the criminal career which I've never done before. He's had the job 3 weeks now. He's still at level 1. He's best friends with the boss and co-worker, and his mood and athletic are big green happy faces. But the performance bar on the career tab is at the bottom in the red bar. I don't understand why and can't raise it. He is now facing disciplinary action. He is going through to be a Master Theif.
His traits are Athletic, Brave, Mean Spirited, Kelptomaniac and Slob. His moodlet bar is ecstatic. I'm thinking I might have a trait I shouldn't have.
I also have another sim in the astronaut career and he is all green, but the performance bar is neutral and not moving, no promotions. He's had his job for 2 weeks now.
I would appreciate any help. Thanks