Ok, the transition to fewer boards for stories is done. This has multiple benefits we hope for but cannot ever be positive about. Overall it should help at least a little for both readers and authors, as well as our database.
Everything done up until now has been fairly easy to decide. Misc. help belonged on gameplay, and everyone reacted quite well to the stories consolidation. It seemed people who make stories didn't mind having more readers in the area where they write their stories, instead of having something like 12 possible boards readers may explore. A few of which only had 1-2 threads.
Next, we want opinions about consolidating Gameplay Boards like this:
Careers & Money Making, Skills, Emotions go into Gameplay (they ARE Gameplay). One thing with Careers and Moneymaking with Sims 4, is most of the means of making money are via either collecting or skills. So Skills can go on 2 boards the way it is now, and collecting likely ends up part of gameplay as it stands.
Expansion Packs, then GPs and (if justified) Stuff become the children of Gameplay. Now all gameplay discussion is in one area, and when exploring general you see all the new posts within each 'Pack board.
Discuss it in the original thread now located in Member Zone